Chapter 2

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"Stop crying," Ruki said closing his eyes. That wasn't enough to stop Ruka's sob so Ruki grabbed the girl and put her head on his chest. Right then and there Ruka let out what she was feeling inside.

After a while Ruka stopped crying. When Ruki let go of Ruka his eyes met with her's. He kept staring at Ruka then finally he sighed and closed his eyes. His thumb brushed off the excess tear on Ruka's cheek. "Are you done crying now?" He asked with a harsh but soft tone. Ruka shyly nodded her head. Ruki noticed the rope around Ruka's wrists and furrowed his eyebrows. 'That stupid Yuma' he thought. He untide the rope and told Ruka, "Don't even think about escaping."

Ruki exited the room together with Ruka and lead her to the living room. Kou and Yuma were sitted on the couch as Ruki and Ruka approached them. "W-what the! Why is your wrists untied!?" Yuma shouted when he saw Ruka. "I untied her idiot," Ruki said in an irritated voice. Ruki then asked Ruka to sit down and she did. He sat down as well and faced Ruka. "Elizabeth," Ruki called which made Ruka flinch. "Iie... I mean... Ruka," He continued. "I want you to help us" Ruka rose her head and asked, "In what?" Ruki opened his eyes and put his hands to his chin. "In killing Karl Heinz"

Diabolik Lovers FanFic: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now