Chapter 6

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Ruka lifted herself up from the bed as she looked at her surroundings. "Where am I...?" She asked herself. "Good morning M neko-chan~!" Kou bursted in. "Who are you...?" Ruka asked the cheerful blonde. "Oh why that's quiet rude M neko-chan considering we have lived together for years now," Kou said. "Sorry.... but... I don't remember...." Ruka said which caused Kou to smirk secretly.

Ruki then entered the scene and looked at Kou. Kou nodded then Ruki proceeded to Ruka. "Who are you?" She asked. "Im Ruki and you're Ruka," Ruki replied. "Why can't I remember anything?" "I believe you are suffering from amnesia," Ruki explained. "A-amnesia?" Ruka held her mouth in shock. "Yes... in our last battle you accidentally hit your head which gave you amnesia," Ruki explained carefully while Ruka listened. "We.... we were fighting in the Sakamaki household but.... We lost and now we lost your memories..." Ruki said in a very sad voice. "Why were we fighting there?" Ruka asked which caused Ruki's anger enter him. "Its them! They were the one who stripped us from being human! They made us into blood sucking monsters!" Yuma suddenly shouted. Yuma walked towards Ruka and held her shoulders. "I know you don't remember but you used to really hate them. They killed your mom, your dad.... even your bestfriend," Yuma explained full of hatred. Azusa then touched Yuma's shoulder and said, "Yuma... That's enough..." Yuma let go of Ruka and kept his head bowed. "I know you're still confuse but we'll explain everything tomorrow," Ruki said. "For now you should rest M neko-chan~" Kou said before waving good bye. All of them exited but before Azusa could fully exit he looked at Ruka and gave a sympathetic look.

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