Chapter 21

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Ruka opened door after door, not missing a single one. Her panting echoed through out the hall. She was tired but she didn't stop.

She stood infront of the last door she hasn't opened yet. She gulped the stucked saliva on her throat and readied her position. She bursted through the door and screamed, "Karl Heinz!"

"...... eh?" Ruka said as she looked around the room. The room was empty and felt lifeless.

"Are you looking for me?" A low husky voice was heard just behind her ear. Chills enetered her body as she jumped to the opposite side. There stood a tall man that stared at her. She glared at him and started throwing punches. Karl Heinz didn't fail to dodge every attack.

"Why this violent welcome dear?" Karl Heinz questioned as soon as Ruka stopped attacking. "Why...? Why did you kill them!?" Ruka shouted which made Heinz flinch. "Now where did you get that information?" Heinz asked keeping his composture. Ruka gritted her teeth and shouted, "The Mukami told me everything so don't even try to lie!" "I see... those brothers poisoned your mind that is why you are in this state," Heinz said as he held his chin. Ruka continued glaring at the man as he stood there thinking to himself. "Well you see princess Elizabeth..." Heinz started. Ruka flinched at the name but her glare never left Heinz. "I can't explain much to you in your current state but I assure you I did not kill your parents." "LIES!!! THE MUKAMI EXPLAINED IN DETAIL HOW YOU MURDERED MY PARENTS AND HOW YOU TURNED ME INTO A BLOOD SUCKING MONSTER!!" Ruka shouted letting her emotions spill. Heinz was taken aback and a glimpse of guilt was shown in his eyes. It was true. He was the one who took Ruka's human self but the murder that Ruka was accusing him hurt. He never wanted her parents to die. In truth he actually....

Diabolik Lovers FanFic: Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz