Chapter 30

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It's been a few days since then...


"Well then... that is the situation princess Elizabeth," Heinz said as he picked up the stuffed bunny from the floor. He dusted it before handing it to Ruka. Ruka held Elizabeth as she stared at the ground. "Princess Elizabeth... I expect an answer by next week or else... I'll be forced to take you as my wife," Heinz said before leaving the room. "Ehhhh!!!????" The brothers reacted.

*****end of flashback*****

Ruka sighed as she held Elizabeth on her lap. "Why the long sigh koneko-chan~?" Laito said sitting on a chair infront of Ruka while resting his chin on his palm. Ruka stared at him and thought, 'when I first met Laito, I never really gave him some thought.... I thought he was just a pervert who wanted Yui's blood.... but now... He's a bit.... different.... except for the perverted part.' She shook her head and stood up. She walked out of the living room as Laito's gaze followed her. After she was gone Laito got teary eyed and said, "did I say something wrong????"

Ruka went outside the mansion and admired the beautiful garden. "Subaru...?" she whispered to herself when she saw the albino in the middle of the rose garden. When their gaze met Subaru immediatly broke it and a shade of pink stained his cheeks. (Tsk! Tsundere) Ruka went closer to him and said, "It's been a long time.... since I last saw this garden. Have you been taking care of it....?" Subaru nodded slowly, trying to hide his face. 'Subaru has always been there for me.... right from the start....even when all things went upside down for me... he was there... but... is he really the one for me...?' Ruka thought.

Ruka went back to the masion and saw Shu lying on the couch. She stared at him for a while until he spoke, "Are you just gonna stare at me?" 'Shu.... he wasn't very nice at first.... but he wasn't bad either... he saved me multiple times.... including from myself...' Ruka thought before exiting the room. Shu opened one of his eyes and whispered," You're probably having a hard time choosing huh?"

"Ruka-chan... do you want to have a tea party..? J-just the two of us..." Kanato said as he stood infront. Ruka nodded and so Kanato led her to his room. They sat down at a table full of deserts and tea. 'Kanato shared the same feeling with me.... with Elizabeth and Teddy.... but he chose to give up Teddy for me.... he's ready to sacrifice just for my sake...' Ruka thought as she sipped her tea.

As she walked down the halls she saw a familiar red hair on the other side. She stopped when she realized it was Ayato. "Hey... umm... about me being your first in everything... I take it back. I don't want to force you anymore into something you don't want. Marry whomever you love," Ayato spoke. 'Ayato... well he was selfish from the very beginning... but along the way he somehow changed," Ruka thought. Ruka reached for his cheek and said, "The darkness is gone...."

"Ruka, I need you to come here for a bit," Reiji called from his room. Ruka entered and saw Reiji fixing some medecines. "These are the medecines which you'll have to take. One in the morning and one at night," Reiji explained. Ruka was lost in her thought once again, 'Reiji is.... heartless and cold... well from what I thought.... but in reality he is very much caring... but does not show it..'

Whom shall I choose?

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