Chapter VII: The Lovely Cheery

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The alleyway echoing a rough sound, its a sound of shoes step on the Ceramic surfaces. Slowly it is getting louder and louder, the sound just likes a corpse walking with no hope of living, it's sad and depressed. The owner is the boy, this poor soul with heavy hearts still breathing a poison, it still hurt for him but he survived anyway.

Today the boys having an afternoon class unlike the others days that he got his class in the morning, well, the truth is the class he got mostly held in the morning. In the afternoon the university gets more crowded, some have same schedule as him some just hanging out, there some that comes for studying, and some might be doing club activity.

People's busy with their own business, some of them like this little kid, prefer to lock the door and enjoying him alone. After all inside his world there is never anyone matter enough, that is why he got used to it and prefer that way. Solitude for some people can be really tiresome and scary, but the boy already sinking in deep of darkness, he used to scare with it but now it's like part of him.

The darkness is part of him now.

It's like everywhere he walking there is thick black stain on his foot print. And the darkness itself used to be his weakness until now; he is able to turn the darkness into something else. Isn't it sad? How someone used to be really weak and fragile, suddenly to be really strong after get neglected for so long and that person need to force himself to loved his weakness. He indeed to be stronger now, but how sad it is for someone doesn't have anyone to support them to going through this torture? It's not worth every broken glass pieces.

But this little boy indeed really strong, his fire will be not gone just by strong wind and water. You will need more than that, all the pain that he temper all by himself now becomes cold iron that can trough any reality.

He is merciless.

The boy keep walking while inspecting the wall, the wall that he see have so many colour because of the coloured paper stick on the wall. Some about news some about group invitation, there is so many form of paper with many form of purposed. Sometimes the boys like to stop and read, read what? He likes to read anything trivia information. He likes to read so sometimes it's hard to avoid the temptation. This times he stop and see some particular poetry; the caged birds.

Oh how poor you are...

Trapped and crying, but nobody listen to you...

Oh no, people heard you but don't help you...

Are they cruel? They aren't that are you fated...

Oh poor birds...

Your wings get bettered up, it's swollen and bleeding...

Chains pierce in every flesh of your wing...

Can you fly?

It was bloody mess...

You crying and crying, were you feeling any relieved?

What your sins in your past life?

Now, all you can do is singing that sad song...

Hoping the non-existence god comes to your rescue...

It was sad and dark, Joshua thinking how this kind of thing can be allowed stick on the wall? It almost like silent cry and almost like sad S.O.S signal.

"Something catches your attention?" some soft voices can be heard beside the little boy.

When the boy sees the sources, it was the girl from two days ago, Sharon.

Encounters: Stained RegaliaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя