Chapter II: The Soul

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The echoes of rough surfaces echoing through the road, the hard shoes and the voice of the warm breath the only thing that the boy can hear. Mist that comes from Joshua mouth engulf his eyes, made almost everything blur by it, the cold weather biting him all through the hard bone inside his bodies. He shivering all the way, shaking his body from now and then, the cold it's hurt but the cold weather it's not the reason him in such a pain, he is breathing is.

For people like him, breathing is like a poison. It's like let in poison needle comes through from your noses straight to your heart, its feel likes thousand needles stabbing in the same times in the same spot. With every breath taken, then every painful feeling you could feel.

His mom...

That what inside Joshua mind now, in his eyes he sees his mom as some liar, person who can't do better thing except lying to him. For all thing that had been happen, all the event too painful to not leave big and gashing scar in his heart. There is seems impossible matter to forgive her, not to forgive in many way. He can't accept himself no matter what for what had been done and what the reason for his own very existence, not after learn the truth...

Go on called him insubordinate along with the entire worst name on earth. Perhaps he is takes all the comfort for a granted and take advantages from his mother frailty, or perhaps treat her could and unfair are the best thing to do. He don't know and we don't know, saying he confused will be underestimated, he is beyond clueless, he is didn't know where he is should go and do.

Did Joshua ever love his parent? Probably he is probably he isn't.

The sound of machine brought him back to the world from his though. He settle himself and hurried himself go inside the bus. Now he doesn't want to late to go to university, won't he? There is enough trouble in his plate; he won't like it to add some more unnecessary thing to settle down, this is enough he said to self, I don't want any more trouble in my life.

He sat on one of the chair and put his earphone on, hoping he can drown to his though some more, more deep that he forget all the hardship all the pain. Only for short moment he though, he want a peace.

As soon as he arrived at his university he took a quick glance to the wall, the wall that held his university name "Rodger Green University", he slowly speaks its name. Taste the rough word comes from his tongue, after all the name is as noble as the history that been told. Created and build by noble man who once serves the country once in the dark aged, the said man once known as the sage and by that times he is very valued knowledge and thus decided to build a school, which now been renovated and becomes big and famous university.

Joshua walking through the garden, walking slowly and watching the leaf and flower start blooming and getting their life back again after long slumber, it must be tiresome to wake up, he though. Calm breeze swipe through his face, he can feel some of the falling leaf touch his soft check; he can feel the spring almost here. When he steps up on the stair to the hallway entrance, he can hear the noise from the hallway window toward the parking lot, girl squealing and whispering to one another. Giving all the most attention to the parking lot, he can see what the source of all the noise.

He stops on his track and staring at the source, admiring the figures. The star of the campus they called him, all the most attention will be on his. After all, how could you not be the star and have all the attentions if you have the entire thing that everyone in this world wish for. He got the looks that make all the girl fall on their knees, and certainly will envied by all the man, he is perfect in every way, his psychical and brain well balanced, that even Joshua himself not even sure can withstand the skill.

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