Chapter IV: How Loud This Can Be?

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The boys walk slowly into the cafeteria, the music that blast tenderly from his earphone trying to block noised from the entire cafeteria. The cafeteria crowed like usual, the group of people chattering and mingle, greeting to each other and asking each other's well being, also in this kind of times always bring the boys to the isolation dimension.

In the room full of live and spirit but none of them directed to him. In the most crowded places he can feel how lonely the world can be for him, its dark and only the melody in his ear help him breathe from the suffocating atmosphere.

Joshua was walk to the counter when suddenly he got nudged on his shoulder, he spin himself and see the source of the strong force.

"I.... I.... I'm sorry but I really want to know where the books store is because my class will start about a minute now" the big and muscular man standing tall in the front of him, this man bigger and taller than the Daniel guy.

The boys thinking it's the luck or the weird day that makes him keep encounter with hulk want to be in this entire morning.

"uh, if you walk straight to that alley way you will find a section just go to left and in the end of the way there is book and stationery store" Joshua little bit startled with his encounter this times, despite the man appearance he actually looks very timid, it's almost not suitable with his intimidate body.

"Thank you! Thank you very much, I'm not new student here but this university sometimes made me lost, it's not helped the case since I just changed my major recently" the man faces suddenly feel and guilt coloured all over his faces.

"Is that so? Why you changed major in these critical times" the young boys bit curious with the man risked decision, he just child after all the best thing of his are the curiosity that like torch of light inside the dark and damp cave, you can't helped but keep wonder. What a troublesome aged he is in.

"Well the last major too tough for my poor brain, I don't think I can survived any other semester if my ability and skill to cope only in the "barely" level" he man gives the boy nervous and light laugh.

"Well, you not the only one that is struggle, but if you content and sure with your decision what better than go on?" Joshua brings his hand and cross in the front of his chest gives a loud and deep sigh.

He keeps thinking today he do that a lot, will it affect his health? He is not so sure about that.

"But you don't looks like type of person who in the trouble with studying though" the man's word made Joshua only gives a sharp glance to the man and snicker to his direction, if only he knows Joshua though.

"People struggle in their own way, and trust me I'm suck at my major too, nothing different from you" the man seem dumbfounded by Joshua remarks how generalize this kid can be and how his maturity not fit the way his looks.

"You are really nice kids, you got little fire in you but you are good" the man gives Joshua goofy smiles and it's almost annoying for Joshua to look at it.

"don't you think you need to be somewhere else now?" Joshua only gives him dead panned remarks and little of his eyebrow to the man, only to send the man to the horror and grim stated.

"you right! Dam, me and my stupid brains" while the man curse himself and panicking like crazy man Joshua once again can only give him heavy sigh.

"But thank you very much!" suddenly the man grab Joshua and hug him tightly Joshua can feel his foot leaves the floor almost scary he will got crushed by this man.

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