Chapter VI: Smile At Stranger And You Just Might Change A Life

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Today is like another day, a busy days for most of the soul that living in the earth. And it goes to this little boy too. He walking on the rough surfaces, he is walking forward like he trying to forget the past.

Sometimes he hums the song that blasting in his ear a long time he walks to the faculty. Today we wake just like any other morning in the past, he takes his times to burn the scar of his memory in the shower and now all of them already back like a plague. Usually the memory will be freezing in every morning before the morning heat melt the shield and just like Pandora box. Oh boy the fragile soul keeps having a nightmare once the box open, but that his usual morning. Nothing will change sadly for him, or will it change? The boy is still clueless.

While walking in the business and hospitality faculty, he is sucking his candy with no interest whatsoever. He just needed it for his "sweet" doses, not lot of people know it but for person as cold as him, he actually got sweet teeth. He was really enjoying his calm walk when suddenly he got massive and strong pat from behind his back, almost choked his candy and breath. The poor boy quickly get his posture back and angrily crush his candy with his teeth ready to throw tantrum to anybody that rude enough do that to him.

When he spins his body, he brings the broken candy stick in his palm to front of his faces.

"Did you know what are you just doing?" the boys can hold his anger but he tried to keep his voice low to make less attention.

And just that the poor boy recognizes the culprit, it was the big man from yesterday. The man faces so bright like a morning sun, he got the same assumption to the big man like he with Mrs. Yuen. The big man lower him self and grab the little boy earphones and spoke with gentle voices.

"Good morning Joshua" he speaks closed to Joshua check, makes sure the boys feels his breath brushing on the boy skins.

The older man grab Joshua other empty hand and pulled his earphone.

"You not hear me yelling you from afar and when I see this thing I just though I need to pull it so you can hear me" the older man straighten him self and laugh a little, he put both his hand inside his pocket and with smile plastered on his faces waiting the young boys reply him.

"Yeah morning, sorry about that" Joshua walk and throw the stick to the near trash bin, and Joshua ware the stranger still following him from behind .

"You know I'm not fully forgiven what you've done to me" Joshua slaps him with matter-of-fact sentences.

The older man can only give soft laughs and rub his head.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I grow up in rough neighbourhood, so sometimes I don't think twice before using my power" suddenly he laughs so hard with his own words.

Joshua just shrug it off and continue walking, feeling unnecessary to know about this man history.

"Hey-hey wait, I said sorry right?" the man's suddenly feel ignored and feel bad about what he has done to the poor boy.

The boys just continue walking still not interested, and the older man pull deep inside his pocket and see what he got, he running to the Joshua direction block the boys from walking any farther.

"Here" while offering another caramel candy lollipop to the boys. "I really am sorry, I really didn't mean it.

The boy can feel remorse from the older man, and Joshua decided to half reluctantly accept the older man offer. Pull the plastic out and suck the candy again before walking to his destination. The older man suddenly feels good and after the young boys.

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