Chapter I: This Is Our Usual Morning

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Slight shine that climb troughs the wall slip into the windows, swimming slowly deep in the curtain and deep into the room, the positive energy from the sun shine brightly to the soul that sleeping peacefully there on the bed, the poor boys doesn't like morning just like his hatred toward cold water washing his body, for him cold water like a shard of glass cut in his skin. The poor boys force himself to wake up, no, not only sun bother his slumber, the alarm clock that ringing beside his bed being very cooperative to waking him up from his lovely dream, such a tiresome wakeup call he though. The poor boy having a trouble to turn off the alarm clock, why you ask? He knows that he doesn't have very nice relationship with morning, thus he is aware that he need more than just normal alarm to wake him up, so, he use certain application that won't stop ringing until he fully awake. Now the boy needs to harvest the fruit that he plant by himself.

The poor boy wake and sat on his bed rubbing his eyes and stretching his body, trying to collect all the energy that he lost last night. Deep down inside his hearts he swear in the name of his god that he hate morning so much, he feels bad of course, knowing morning such a nature that would never be able to changed. But you see, he can't deny nor changed his mind and attitude toward the morning, there is in fact his nature too. Poor boys, that there is no help in his chase because both sun and alarm clock knock him hard this morning, so, there is no way he can come back to sleep.

"All right – all right, I wake up now" the boy mumbling the words while struggling to stop torture in the morning.

The boy know himself than anyone, he know that he really hard to wake up, not only because he hates morning but because he doesn't want to wake up. His hearts aching in pain knowing that he still breathing, the pain in his hearts force his inner self to mourning his condition. The poor boy actually perfect in many ways, however, could be it's because he doesn't want to admit he is perfect just the way his way or perhaps he is right, that he is not perfect.

After it feels like decade, he is success to turn off his alarm, such a struggle he thought. But there is no other way, he know that well, if he not force himself to wake then he just will welcome the slumber back until he couldn't breathes. The application inside his phone greets him a good morning, its say...

Good morning Joshua

Yes, Joshua is that boy name, the boy who have big scar scatter not only in his back but also deep inside his hearts. Joshua not always positive thinking kind of person nor he is negative thinking neither. For him and his eyes, he sees the world in the reality way, see the world in the dark yet full of shine of kindness. He had done very hardship in live, which is why bring him into person that doesn't believed with happy ending, for him happy ending not exist at all, for him the judge still out. At least it's for him he though, people like him he though, will never meet sweet thing such a happy ending live, he well aware that he will face this hardship until his last breath.

No, he is not being miserable nor that he living his life in miserable way too, as he stated he is living his life based in reality, he is in fact, forgot all the fairy tale that been told in his childhood times, or is he still remembered its slightly like glimmer shadow trough the crystal clear water. Because in fact, despite his darkness vision he can still think about happy ending, isn't that meaning he is know what happy means? Because if he know what is happy then he is definitely has been sad before.

He might be hard toward the words and vision, but deep down there he is caring and loving person. He is very hard to himself, but not to others, he indeed doesn't believed that happy ending exist, but happy ending could happen to others, yes he believed in so. He slowly rubbing his eyes again, tries to clear his eyes from Mr. Moon cloudy sand, as we know that the sand can get you to great slumber no matter how wide awake you are. He woke and carefully inspect his phone tries to confirm the date and the times, what date it is, what time it is, you know normal thing that people do in the early of morning.

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