Akin x Hannibal - Peace of Mind

Start from the beginning

I strip myself, getting on my knees, my hands clasped behind my back for good posture. Finally, Akin comes back and puts down all the stuff we need. "Baby, I want to blindfold you. Are you okay with that?",he asked. I nodded, "yes, master".

Akin blindfolds me, and even though I can't see anything, I can feel his warmth around me. "We'll use the usual Gyaku Ebi Tsuri Shibari. Are you okay with that, pet?",he asked. I nodded my head, "yes, master, i'm okay with that",I said. Akin runs his hand on my hair for a while before I finally feels the ropes starting to touch my arms.

Gyaku Ebi Tsuri Shibari, or reverse hanging shrimp binding, is one of the many positions in kinbaku. It's originally used as a form of torture for war prisoner, but these days, the position are used as a form of bondage and art.

I can feel the ropes goes around my body, as I lie on my stomach. My knees are pulled apart widely, my ankles are tied and drawn to the back. My hands are folded and tied behind my back.

Akin makes the main knots on my chest, my torso,and my back. He ties the length of rope around my balls which makes me gasp. "Relax, baby",Akin warns me.

I took a deep breathe, letting the feeling of the ropes around my body sink in. The knots are where the center of my chakra are placed. And it doesn't hurt, really. I know I have a higher pain tolerance than most people, but this position does not hurt me at all, and the ropes doesn't feel uncomfortable either. If anything, I feel as if I was in a tight embrace. That was one of the thing I like about kinbaku the most, the warmth the ropes and Akin spread around my body, giving me a sense of peace. Even my beast is calm now, feelingas content as I felt.

I can feel my body lifting until I was hanging and no longer touching the bed. Akin hands still work on my body, touching me, sending warmth with every different pressure to each part of my body.

I let my muscle relax at his touch, focusing on the inner warmth inside me, and somehow,my beast complied. Usually, it loved getting into a brawl and hates it when I tried to calm myself down. But my beast always love kinbaku, even though we couldn't move or shift much with this position.

Akin leaves me for a while, letting me take in the ropes, the warmth, as my muscle tries to get used with the position. I breathe slowly and calmly. The serene and peace that floods into me makes me feel pleasure, even though not overwhelming.

Akin finally comes back to me, his fingers brushed my chin softly. "Relax, and let go, baby. I'm going to lead you to an even deeper place now",he said.

I took another deep breath, as I felt him touching me everywhere. The sensation was different with each touch, sometimes cold, sometimes warm. He knows where to touch me to make my pleasure increase slowly.

But somehow, I feel so calm, as if someone was singing a lullaby to me, slowly lulling me deeper in.

Akin slides his hands on my thigh, making my cock twitch slightly, begging for some attention.

"Master... ",I begged him. I can feel Akin started to pulled me down, but my belly still didn't touch the bed. His hands goes to my ankles, untying the knot there.

My legs are still tied, but I can move them now. My knees fell into the soft bed, as I can feel Akin's hand brushed my back.

"Are you ready, pet?",he asked. "Yes, master",I manage to keep my voice steady as I answered him. I can feel his fingers slide into me,one at the time until he had two fingers buried into me,then he started to scissors me. His other hand brush every part of my back fleetingly, giving me the similar warmth sensation as before.

Soon, he takes his fingers off, and before I can feel the emptiness, Akin filled my hole with his erection, filling me up instantly. I tense a little, but Akin shoothes me.

"Shhh, love. Just relax. Feels me",he said. I relaxed my muscles, feeling the pleasure as he thrust into me, one of his hand on my cock, pumping them slowly, his other hand on caressing my chest, stomach, shoulder.

He thrust into me, circling his hips slowly, as his cock hits my prostate repeatedly.

I whimpered, "master, please....may I come?",I asked desperately."Not yet, pet. Wait for it",he said. So I focused myself hard to keep myself from coming,but keeping myself aware of his touch as well.

His thrust faster, and he pumps my cock faster as well. The pleasure was inside me like a ball that crews bigger and bigger with each thrust , with his touch.

I concentrate on the feelings that builts inside me, bringing me at the edge of insanity as the pleasure grows so big, yet I can't have my release just yet.

"Now, pet, come for me",Akin ordered. That ball of pleasure finally explodes into million pieces, the pleasure shots from inside of me, long and hard.

Akin comes inside of me a few seconds later, but he keep thrusting, milking both of our orgasm out.

I can feel my body, and my mind, was in haze, even as Akin takes off my blindfold, everything I see was a blur, so I just close my eyes, as Akin takes all the ropes off me.

I heard him praising me, telling me I was such a good boy. My beast and I purred in satisfication because we succeed to please our Akin.

I feel so calm and peaceful as Akin lulled me to sleep, as he cleans my body with wet cloth before wrapping a thick blanket around me,comforting me.

I can feel Akin hugging me tightly, he kissed my forehead, my nose, and then my eyelids.He pulls away to say, "I love you Hannibal, so much"

I love you too, master.

It's done! Yay! I really wanted to write about kinbaku, because I loved that play so much. And I think it was really good for Hannibal and his beast because his beast feeds on his anger, on blood, but actually, it can have some peace and calmed as well if it's trained enough. Akin loved both Hannibal and the Beast, he accepts them for whoever they are, no matter how bad the past is. And to clear some misunderstanding about the BDSM community, the relationship Is not abusive. It's based on trust and consent of two people, with a contract that makes sure both of their needs are fullfilled. A sub is a person that gains control by giving up control. A dom is a person who gains the control from the sub and treasure it as if it was the most priced diamond. Pain is part of the kinks, and both of the dominant and submissive are both understanding the limits of the pain that one can receive. And special thanks to my daddy LittleRedHead101
For helping editing this story!! I love you daddy. *kiss*

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