Chapter 22, Pretty Pink and Hearts with Wings

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Arthit flipped the sheet off,  "I have to get ready for work."  Kong was stretched out,  his head still resting in his palm as he watched Arthit make naked from the bed and out the door.  He heard the shower turn on before he got up himself.  

Kongpop made the bed and placed the two knotted gears in the centre,  just below the pillow like he did every day.  Looking at them he sighed.  The gears were their reminder each day to never take each other for granted.  That's why Kong always thanked Arthit for everything good he did and,  he never failed to tell Arthit he loved him,  every day.

Wearing his bathrobe,  he made tea while he waited.  Today was Kong's first day of online studies,  no schedule,  no uniform,  heaven.

Being at home when Arthit left for work was a weird feeling.  Hugging and kissing him as he went out the door in his suit wasn't easy.  Arthit looked so handsome, he smelled so good,  Kong wanted to pull him back inside and hold him ensnared.


Dat and Mali whined together over lunch.  They missed Tat and were having a hard time imagining the whole school break without him.  They did though have company,  Kit and Lek,  the nerd herd,  as the girls affectionately called them,  sat right there at the same table.  The boys hung off of every word the girls said.

Somehow gushing about Tat and his near nakedness didn't seem appropriate with the boys at hand.   And, stranger, for some reason that wasn't the first thing on their minds.  

What they did do,  was tease each other relentlessly about the others' latest distraction.  Dat learned that Kit was excellent with the complicated math they were learning at the cram school and he promised to help her with anything she needed.  Mali's nerd was exactly the same,  studying came as easy as breathing for him and, he told her he had a method that always worked.  He'd show her anytime she wanted.

They all admitted that they missed Tat,  "At least you guys get to see him at night when he comes home."   Mali and Dat had a habit of whining in unison. 

Lek covered his mouth and laughed, "Maybe we won't see him so often now either."  He was hinting that now Tat and P'Knot were dating,  "Tat might not come home as often."

When the girls first told Kit and Lek about P'Knot asking Tat out,  they were sure that the boys would be shocked.  Mali was the one who started revealing first,  "You guys really missed something the other night when you were hiding under that palm tree in the lobby."

It was true,  they had watched every move the circle of friends made when they met Tat after the competition,  but they couldn't hear anything and certainly wouldn't have guessed that Knot asked Tat for a date.

It was the dead opposite,  just like they weren't surprised about the amazing body Tat was hiding,  they weren't surprised to hear that Tat was dating a man.

Dat had to know,  "Did you guys suspect something already,  has Tat ever told you that he liked P'Knot?"

Both boys shook their heads together and spoke at the same time,  "Nope."

"Then why aren't you shocked now that you know this?"

Lek leant over the table and spoke under his breath at the other three.  "Because there are twenty drawings of P'Knot on Tat's wall right under my bunk." 

"What,  Tat draws?"

"Oy!"  They both chimed in again,  "Oh yes,  Tat can draw anything,  you should see,  they look just like P'Knot,  so good they almost look like photographs,  I don't know how he does it."

Being Arthit & Kongpop. from SOTUS the Series  Book 1 of 3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu