My grandfather reached over and took my arm, patting it gently. "He's a great guy. The two of you are perfect for each other. Thank you for including me in your special day."

"No, thank you for being here."

"I'll be here for a long time." He chuckled.

"You know what I meant."

"I did. Now before I bring you out there, you must tell me. When will I be expecting another great-grandchild?"

I giggled. "Papa."

"I'm not getting any younger."

Nick and I had agreed to keep it a secret until after the wedding but looking into my grandfather's eyes, I couldn't help but tell him.

"Papa. I'm pregnant."

"You are!? How long?!"

I giggled at his enthusiasm. "I'm 25 weeks."

"What are you having?"

"I'll save that for later."

My music hit and the two wooden doors were opened. Slowly, being led by my grandfather, I made my way down the aisle. Standing in the front was Nick, who as I grew closer to him; I noticed his eyes full of tears, which made me tear up. Next to him was Aaron, who smiled proudly. In front of him was Griffin. Ashley stood opposite them, with a smile on her face, but I could see the tears. Next to her was Annabelle and Chloe.

There weren't many people. Nick's parents, his sister, her husband and their kids. My cousin Marc, Jay, Billy, Diana and their kids, Veronique and her husband and their month old baby boy. A few of my friends from Patty's and a few friends of Nick's showed up. Even Zak came. He sat next to Jay and remained quiet.

When I made it to the front my grandfather handed me off to Nick, kissed my forehead and took his seat next to Marc.

"You look so beautiful," Nick whispered as we faced the priest.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I whispered back.

* Fast forwards some *

(Sorry I dislike weddings...I find them boring and I need to be in motion yeah we don't get along lol)

It was time for the vows and Nick were up first as he placed the ring on my finger he said "Saige when I first saw you on the plane, I feel instantly in love with you. I didn't know who you were but I knew that I needed you in my life. We hit it off right away and exchanged numbers. I knew that I had to get a picture of you. I didn't know then that I would be standing here, years later, marrying you. I know I've made mistakes, and I can never take them back. I wish I could. I've lived my life without you and I never want to again. No offense Veronique." He paused to look at her.

"None taken!" She laughed.

"You are my everything. You're great with the girls and they look up to you. I'm thankful to have you in their lives. Our son Griffin is a different story. I am so blessed to have him in my life. After the girls, I never thought I'd have a son. Then you entered my life and I was graced with one. I will always be thankful to you for that." He paused again. "I can't promise that we won't have arguments, but I can promise that we will never go to bed mad at each other. We've gone through so much, I feel like we can take on anything life throws at us." He chuckled. "I promise you love you now, and later when old age catches up with you. I promise you love you on your bad days, as well as your good ones. I promise to always be there for you, even if I'm not physically there. I promise to be with you and only you for eternity."

The priest nodded towards me. I fumbled with my paper but then handed it to Ashley as she handed me the ring. I took hold of Nick's hand and took a deep breath. "Nick when I first met you I thought you were good looking. I liked how easy it was to talk to you. You helped me overcome my fear of flying. I do wish you would have been there the next few times though." I paused. "I never thought I would see you again after that day, but here we are today. I never pictured myself getting married, but you've changed that. I never pictured myself with children, but once again you've changed that. I never imagined your ex-wife would be one of my closest friends." I laughed a little and looked towards Veronique. "Your girls are special to me. I love them as if they were my own. I love them as much as I love Griffin."

"We love you too Mom." Chloe smiled.

"I can't promise that I won't freak out at the little things. But I promise we will always talk things through. I promise I won't bring home another dog unless I talk to you first." I laughed. "I promise to be understanding and to be there for you when you return from work. I promise to take care of you in times of need. I promise you love you today, tomorrow and forever."

The ceremony ended with Nick kissing me sweetly. We exited the church, with everyone following us, and made our way into the limousine.

"I love you, Mrs. Groff." Nick smiled.

"I love you too Mr. Groff." I leaned forward and pecked his lips.

* *

We danced a little and ate some. We were all having a great time at the reception. Just before it was time to cut the cake Nick called for everyone's attention. The room grew quiet as all eyes were now on him.

"Saige and I have an announcement to make." Helping me to my feet, he pulled me to him and smiled. "We're pregnant!" A chorus of yay's was shouted around the room.

"How far!" Someone shouted, no doubt Marc.

"25 weeks," I informed everyone.

"Alright. We've been waiting all night. Tell us what you're having!" Ashley yelled.

"Wait for it." Nick laughed. He looked me and we counted to three.

"TWINS!" We shouted.

"No fucking way!" Veronique squealed.

"A boy," Nick said smiling.

"And a girl." I continued.

"I'm going to have a little brother and a little sister?" Griffin asked.

"Yes little G." Aaron smiled. Griffins face broke out into a huge smile.

"I asked for either a little brother or sister and instead I'm getting both!"

Nick and I laughed. Everyone congratulated us on our wedding and pregnancy. It was a fantastic day.

"Thank you," Nick said.

"For what?"

"Coming into my life when you did."

"You don't have to thank me for that."

"Then thank you for marrying me and making me the happiest man alive."

"You're welcome. At least I know next time we go to a Patriots game, you won't propose."

"Don't underestimate me, baby." He winked.

Rolling my eyes I closed the distance between us and pushed my lips to his to shut him up.

* * *

A/N: How was it?

This is the end of an amazing fan fiction series. The first book was my first attempt at one. I'm happy with the outcome. I'm sure I'll be making another one since I'm in love with Nick (lol). I have an idea for a Nick one and an Aaron one. Just need the motivation to write them.

Thank you for all the votes and comments.

I apologize for any and all grammatical errors.

Special thanks goes out to MichelleBroome for all the support.

Until next time my lovelies.


The Only One (Nick Groff Fanfic) [Sequel to MOaO]Where stories live. Discover now