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I couldn't sleep

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I couldn't sleep. And the reason was none other then Jonas Vasquez. Yesterday's conversation with him had thrown me off.
What were his intentions? Why was he so hung up on mine and Chris' friendship? Maybe he still wasn't over the fact that Chris practically "stole" Eva from Jonas when they were together? I had heard that a man's pride never really survived the wound of being left for another man. Their situation had been something similar. Maybe that was bothering Jonas. Maybe he felt like he was tossed aside for Chris again. But on the other hand, he was actually the one tossing me aside. After all, it hadn't been me who had gotten a new girlfriend.
I sighed and rolled over to my side in my bed.
Safe to say, I was still bitter about his new relationship.
Closing my eyes, I tried to sleep again before giving up after another few minutes.

I didn't want to wake him up, I just thought that he might still be awake since he had said he was a gamer like my brother once

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I didn't want to wake him up, I just thought that he might still be awake since he had said he was a gamer like my brother once. Marius often played his video games at night and then arrived at the breakfast table like a zombie. Maybe Jonas stayed up a little later too.
I also wanted to talk to someone. Talking tired me out most times so I always tried to call someone whenever I had a rough night. Sometimes I rang Sana but she had been stressing too much about the exams in May the past week that I didn't want to be the cause of her sleep deprivation. I wanted to try to call Jonas to see if he would respond and stay on the line with me. It meant a lot to me when people helped me through these nights even if they didn't know how much it actually meant. It just made it even better.
My phone vibrated in my hand.
Jonas had answered me and I smiled at my phone screen. So I had woken him. And I didn't even feel bad. Okay, maybe a little.

 Okay, maybe a little

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Me | SKAM Jonas VasquezWhere stories live. Discover now