“It is not appropriate for a woman of your standards to wear anything like it, my lady” Why did she keep calling me my lady? “Why do you keep saying that?”

The older woman started to fuss at my question. “What do I say, my lady?” “That, the title”

“Oh, is it not correct? I mean, we rarely see curly hair nowadays and I presumed that it...” Her words faded. My curls? She thought I was of high standards because of my hair? I know it roll arounds in ways that annoys me sometime but never did I know it could make such a fuss.

“I'm not a lady, and I'm not changing clothes” I said strictly. “I just want to know where I am”

“Peripitur” the girl answered proudly. I gave her a glare. “I'm aware of that”

“The land is named Tahol, my... sorry” I gave it a thought. I didn't recall any countries named Tahol either. Where the bloody hell am I? “This can't be true” I wondered out loud. “One minute I'm doing my training in my grandmothers forest and the next thing I'm in this fantasy land”

“What's a fantasy land?” The girl asked. “Hush, Phee”

How's this possible? One minute there, then... the tree hole! I rose quickly to my feet and ran out the door. “Phee, where you're going?” the mother cried. “I'm going with her. Don't worry, I'll be back in no time”

I followed the same tracks and soon I was back to the trees. I heard Phee's panting behind me in her attempt to catch up. “What are you doing?” She asked as I investigated the hole.

“The thing is I came through this hole” I went through it many times and Phee was still there. “Why doesn't it work?” I screamed and started to panic. “I have to go home, I have nationals to attend!”

“What's nationals?” “What's with the twenty questions?” Phee's looked hurt at my cheeky answer and I hurried to apologies. “I just want to get home” I sat on a rock nearby and laid my head in my hands. We were quiet for a moment.

“Since you are going to visit for a while, maybe you could introduce yourself?” I looked up and saw Phee's curious gaze. “Alice. My name is Alice”

Phee smiled at me. “We have a saint called Alice” I smiled back at her. “Really, you have to tell me all about her” “It's quite a long story, I don't think you would want to hear it” She said as we started walking back to the cabin. “Since I'm going to visit for a while, as you recall, I would love to hear it”

As we walked I turned my head and gazed upon the hole. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, wishing the curious light would reappear. It didn't.

* * *

The days flew by and my hopes about ever going home faded each day. Every morning and every night I would visit the trees in case the light would pop out of nowhere. Apparently my faith wasn't strong enough, because each time it would disappoint me. Instead my worries about grandma increased and I wondered if she had called the police by now. I watched Phee as she milked their cow.

“You can help, if you want” I heard her say. I hadn't been eager to learn anything or even help due to the fact that I might be going home. I didn't want to get too attached to them. Only Phee knew where I came from. I wanted to be truthful to all of them, but Phee said that it might not be wise. “Magic is not a thing we should trust and people knowing your heritage is not wise if you do not wish to be executed” I remember she told me. Her mother simply believed I was a bit of a loony and thought it was her duty to take care of me until my family came for me. I didn't dare to say I was an orphan. I was in no need for more pity. Since my arrival I hadn't seen any other family members. Phee talked about a father, but I don't remember what happened to him. I stood up and rolled up my sleeves. Yes, I wear a similar dress as the others. Since Phee told about the magic I didn't want to stand out and finally asked for a dress.

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