Chapter 50

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~Ross' POV~

Riley has been really down lately. She doesn't want to go anywhere. She's been crying and laying in bed a lot. Oh dang! She could be pregnant. No, we haven't done anything lately and I always use protection. I'm going to find out what's up.

"Ri, baby, what's wrong? Please tell me. You can tell me anything." I said as I sat on her bed.


"Riley, did I do something?" I asked.

"No. I love you."

"Please Ri." I begged.

"I'd love you a lot more if you would just leave me alone." she snapped at me.

"Ok. I'll be at my house." I said, a tear rolling down my face.

"Ross, please stay. We can cuddle." she said.

"I'll cuddle with you if you tell me what's wrong." I answered.

"Some of my fans and a few critics have been making fun of me for my clothes and hair. It really hurts me and I don't even know why. It's stupid." she said.

"What have they been saying?"

"That I'm too poor to by new clothes and that my clothes are old fashion." she answered.

"But you know that's not true. For the record, you look really sexy in what you are wearing." I said with a smirk.

She had on short shorts and a white shirt. Her white shirt was a little see-through.

"Ross, can you not be perverted for 2 seconds?" she giggled.

"I'm just so lucky to have such a good looking girlfriend." I said, grabbing her hips and pressing my lips to hers.

"You always make me happy." she said with a smile.

"That's why you love me." I said.

"Just one of the many." she said before we kissed again.

"I'll take you shopping." I said.

"No you won't."

"Why would I say that if I wouldn't?" I laughed.

"Fine, just let me change." she said, slightly pushing me towards the door.

"Ri, why can't I stay in here?"

"I'm don't want you to see me change." she answered. 

"I've seen every part of you."

"I'm self conscious." she said, pushing me toward the door.

"Please let me stay."

"Fine." she mumbled.

She walked into her closet and came back with a different shirt. Then she took her shirt off and put on her other shirt.

"That wasn't sexy enough." I laughed.

"Ross, can we just go?"

"Can we have sex first?" I asked.

"No, let's go!" she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the door.

¤The mall¤

"Ross, I love these!" She exclaimed, grabbing a sparkly pair of converse.

"And, I don't love the price tag." I said seeing that the shoes were $100.

"Rossy, you said that you would take me shopping." she whined.

"I know. And I love shopping with you."

I bought the shoes and then we went into Forever 21. She got a ton of clothes. Theb we went to Rue 21. Riley had to try on a bunch of clothes there. I even found a shirt there. Next was Hollister. I got some cologne and Riley got some clothes.

"Ross, I'm done shopping." she said.

"I'd say so." I groaned, my arms burning from all the bags hanging from them.

"Let's go to Cherry Berry!" she exclaimed.

"Can we put all of your stuff in the car first?" I asked.


We got to the car and I unloaded all of Riley's stuff into the trunk. Then we walked back into the mall and to Cherry Berry. She got chocolate frozen yogurt with cookie dough and Reese's peanut butter cups. She also added hot fudge. I got birthday cake frozen yogurt with m&m's and gummy worms. I also added marshmallow stuff. We sat and watched whatever was on the tv.

After we were done, I drove us home in Riley's car. Once we got home, Riley put all of her new clothes and stuff away.

"Let's watch a movie." Riley suggested.

"What movie?"

"The Fault in Our Stars!" she exclaimed.

"Really babe? I love you but we are not watching that movie."

"Then you can go home while I watch that movie." she retorted.

"In that case, I'll watch whatever you want as long as I can cuddle with you and hold your hand." I said.

"You're so sappy." she laughed.

"You're so beautiful." I said, feeling my face turn red.

"Thanks babe. I love you." she said as we laid down.

I'm so lucky to have Riley. She makes me so happy. I've messed up so many times and she always forgives me. She's never messed up. It's always my fault. I don't deserve such a forgiving person. I don't deserve her. I can't keep messing up. I have to get out of here.

I got up and walked out of the house. I need to get away.

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Keep on keepin on:)


Best friends brother(Ross Lynch/R5)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon