Chapter 26

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~Riley's POV~

We were playing catch outside when a moving truck pulled up next to Ross' house.

"Our new neighbors are moving in!" Rydel exclaimed.

"We are getting new neighbors?" Riker asked.

"Ya!" she answered.

We sat in the grass and watched the truck unload all of their stuff. Then a very nice SUV pulled up and 2 teenage girls hopped out. Then spun around and started squealing.

"Our house is awesome!" one yelled before running inside. The other one turned towards us and had an R5 sweatshirt on.

"Guys, she's a fan." Rocky whispered.

"Kids, go help our new neighbors! The blonde one is named Ally and the brunette one is named Anna." Stormie said.

"How do you know this mom?" Ross asked.

"I've been talking to their mom. We are having them over tonight for supper and a pool party. Go introduce yourselves then come back and get the pool ready." Stormie said before going back inside.

Ross grabbed my hand and we all walked over to the house. The girls were outside talking to their parents when we walked up.

"Hey guys. We are you neighbors and we wanted to introduce ourselves. I'm Rocky and this is Riker, Rydel, Ratliff, Ross, Riley, and Ryland." Rocky said.

"Welcome to the neighborhood." I said.

"You guys are-" Ally said.

"R5!" they both screamed.

"That's us!" Ross said.

"Our neighbors are R5!" Ally screamed.

"You guys are still coming over tonight, right?" Rydel asked.

"Ya. I so have to tweet this!" Anna said.

"You can't give out our address or we will have to move." Riker said.

"We promise." they said together.

"Ally, Anna! Come help us!" their mom said.

"See you guys later." I said before they walked inside.

We went back over to the Lynch house to get the pool ready. Ross took the cover off while Rocky and Riker put the ladder in. Rydel and I got the chairs out. The pool was now ready.

"Girls, can you come help me with food?" Stormie yelled through the open kitchen window.

"Ya!" we yelled back before heading inside.

Rydel and I cut all of the fruit up. We put it in decorative bowls. Rydel put the chips in bowls while I got out all of the soda and put them in coolers. Then the boys barged through the door.

"Mom, we need music and lights." Ross whined.

"Ross, the party lights are in the shed and you guys are musicians." Stormie laughed.

"Okay mommy." Ross said before taking his brothers outside.

Later, I went outside to see the party lights were set up around the pool and the radio was blasting.

"Oh, here they come!" Rydel squealed, seeing Ally, Anna, and their parents coming through the gate.

"Hey hey hey!" Ally said.

"Let's party!" Riker yelled. Ross and I ran inside to put on our swimsuits. I went into the bathroom and came out seconds later to see Ross waiting for me.

"Damn!" Ross exclaimed.

"Let's go!" I squealed before leading him outside.

We joined everyone else outside to enjoy the party.

"Hey guys! Let's crack these glow sticks and throw them in the pool." Ryland said.

Since it was dark out and we had already eaten, we cracked Rylands glow sticks and threw them in the pool. Then the party really began.

"Ally and Anna. We are going home. Stormie and Mark said you guys could stay the night." Their mom said.


Let's get this party started.

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