Chapter 13

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~Riley's POV~

I'm laying in Ross' bed. It was really boring. I didn't want to get out if his grasp. I grabbed my phone and texted Rydel.

Me: I'm stuck in Ross' bed. Come help me. I need a prank:p

Rydel: be right in:D

Me: thanks BFF

I waited patiently for Rydel to appear in Ross' room. She soon appeared in the doorway with Juliet(Ross' guitar) and a portable keyboard. Rydel handed me his guitar and I put it around my neck. I plugged the guitar into the amp she brought then turned it on. I grabbed an R5 pic. I fingered a chord and waited for Rydel.

"1, 2, 3." Rydel whispered.

I ran the pic down the strings and Rydel hit some high notes. Ross sprang out of bed. I pulled the amp cord out of the guitar and waited. Ross jumped out of bed and I started running. I tried really hard not to his guitar on the wall. I sprinted out the door and waited for Ross. He soon appeared in the yard.

"Come back here!" Ross yelled. I noticed he was just wearing shorts. I'm sure the teenage neighbors were enjoying the view.

"Nooo!" I yelled.

I kept running until I ran out of breath. Ross caught up to me. He was fast!

"Got ya." Ross panted.

"Carry me?" I asked.

I gave Ross his guitar back and he put the strap around him. I hopped on his back. Ross started strumming and singing.

"There's no way I could make it without, do it without you, be here without you. It's no fun when you're doing it solo, with you it's like woah. Now you know. And, I own this dream. Cause I got you with me. There's no way I could make it without you, do it without you, be here without you." Ross sang.

"I love your voice." I said.

"And I love you." Ross answered.

We walked in silence to his house. Ross carried me up to his room.

"Ri, I wanna teach you guitar." Ross said.

One secret I always kept from R5, I can sing, play guitar, and piano. I never wanted them to hear me because I think I'm bad but my family always tells me that I'm amazing.

"Ross.." I started.

"Here, this is a C chord." Ross said putting my fingers on the correct strings.

I strum the chord as Ross watches me. I move to different chords as Ross just stares.

"Ri, you can play..." Ross said in aw. Only Rydel knew that I can play instruments.

"I guess."

"Can you sing?" Ross asked.

"I'm terrible Ross. You don't want to hear me."

"Ya I do. I would love to hear you." Ross said.

"Ross, no." I argued.

"Ri please."




"No kisses for you." Ross retorted.

"Your lose." I laughed.

"You're right." Ross sighed.

"I don't wanna sing for you right now." I said.

"But I need your lips." Ross whined.

"Their yours if you can get em." I laughed then ran out of the room again. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

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