Chapter 94

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~Ross' POV~

Today is the day. It's the day that I'm going to ask Riley to marry me. I feel like it's the right time. We've been together long enough. Rydel is helping me plan it. I'm taking Riley to the beach. The beach is a romantic place. Dell it taking Riley shopping today so I can set things up. Ri is still sleeping and I'm not going to wake her. But, I am making her breakfast for when she does get up. The ring was in my pocket (picture is above^^). I have been saving up for the one she showed me when we went to the mall the other day.

"Hey babe." Riley said, hugging me from behind.

"Hey, I made you breakfast." I said, handing her a plate.

"What's the occasion?" she asked.

"Can't your boyfriend just make you breakfast because he loves you?" I asked.

"I'm not complaining." Ri said before getting food.

"When is Dell coming to get you?" I asked.

"10. What are you going to do today?" she asked.

"Just chilling."

"Oh." she said.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked.

"Well, Dell and I were going to-"

"Great. We leave at 7." I said before kissing her.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"On a date."

"Ok." Ri said, smiling.

"Dell is going to help you find something nice." I said.


Riley finished eating and then went to get ready. I fumbled with the ring. I was getting nervous and I still had 10 hours before I was asking her. Rydel came to get Riley and then I was left by myself. I decided to take a shower and get ready.

After I was done in the shower, my brothers came over to help me take everything to the beach. When that was done, we came back and had some bro time.

"Do you think she will say yes?" Riker asked.

"No doubt." I answered.

"You're very confident about all this." Rocky said.

"I've been planning this forever."

~Riley's POV~

Rydel and I went to almost every store in the mall trying to find the perfect outfit.

Once I finally found the outfit, we went to Cherry Berry. I decided to bring Ross some frozen yogurt too.


"ROSS?" I yelled when I got home.

"Right here." he said, coming around the corner.

"I brought you this." I said, giving Ross his frozen yogurt.

"I love you." Ross said before kissing me.

"Love you too."

"We have to get you ready!" Rydel said, pulling me to my room.

Rydel and I went upstairs. She did my hair and my makeup. It was an hour away from our date.

I went downstairs and Ross had gotten dressed in the meantime.

"Wow." he mumbled.

"You look handsome." I said.

"Let's go." he said, taking my hand.


"Here we are." Ross said, pulling up to the beach.

He got out and then ran to open my door. Ross helped me out and we walked to the beach.

"It's so pretty when the sun sets." I said as we sat down.

"Just like you." Ross said, looking into my eyes.

I turned around to get a drink and when I turned back Ross was on one knee. I instantly got tears in my eyes.

"Riley, will you marry me?"




Happy New Year guys!!!! I can't wait to see what this year has in store:)


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