Chapter 46

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~Ross' POV~

Riley has been blowing up! People are asking her to be on talk shows and radio stations. I'm so proud of her.

"Hey Ross, I want to tell you something." she said once she entered my room.

"What baby?"

"I want to say thank you for getting me signed. Fame is fantastic!" Riley said, full of excitement.

"You're welcome. I'd do anything for you."

"I might just have to give you a real thank you." Riley mumbled as her lips met mine.

·Later that day·

I haven't seen Riley since this morning and I really miss her. I want to try to ask her on a date tonight but I have no time.

"Hey Ri-what are you doing?" I asked when I walked into her room seeing her laying on her bed, facing the wall.

I got closer to her and realized that she was asleep. I took off my shirt and got under the covers. I put my arms around her and pulled her close to me. I soon fell asleep.

·After nap·

I had woke up about an hour ago and started playing on my phone. Riley started to move around.

"It's not everyday that I get a surprise from my shirtless boyfriend." she giggled.

"I love you so much. What are you doing tonight?" I asked her as I got out of the bed.

"I don't think anything, why?"

"I was wondering if you would maybe want to go on a date..." I said, scratching behind my neck.

Even after several months of dating her, I still get nervous when I ask her out.

"Sounds like a plan." she said, getting out of bed and giving me a kiss.

I noticed that she was wearing short shorts and a really tight tank top. And, her beautiful blonde hair was just perfect.

"You look hot." I said, my face turning red.

She just giggled. Damn, is she cute or what?

"So hot that I might have to punish you." I said, moving closer to my girlfriend.

"Oh really?" she giggled.

"Ya, so you might want to run."

"I don't have to run because we can't have sex this week." she said, putting her hands on my chest.

"Babe! You can't dress like that and not be able to have sex! It doesn't work that way!" I whined.

"Sorry baby." she said.

"As long as we can still kiss, I'm okay." I said, giving her a kiss.

We had a make out session before I noticed what time it was.

"Baby! We have to get ready for our date. I'll be here in 30 minutes." I said, before running out.

~Riley's POV~

I have 30 minutes to get ready. I went to my closet and pulled out a short dress ans some flats. I put on the dress and then went to curl my hair. I quickly put on some makeup and put on my shoes. Right as I had just got done posting a picture to Instagram, Ross came through the door.

"Hey bab-you look sexy!" he exclaimed. I think my face turned red.

"You're not too bad looking yourself." I giggled before we walked out.

We got in the car and Ross started driving.

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

"You'll see." he answered.

We kept driving while listening to the radio. I was zoning out when I heard a familiar song.


I turned up the radio really loud and sang along to Call It Whatever.

"That's not fair!" Ross whined.

"Why?" I asked.

"You've been famous for 3 days! R5 has never had a song on the radio."

"Are you jealous Ross?"

He didn't answer.

"Ross! You're jealous of my fame!"

"I just don't think it's right." he mumbled.

"Pull this car over now! I am not going on a date with you." I said, tears filling my eyes.

"You're seriously going to walk home?" Ross asked.

"I'll call someone."

"Riley, I didn't mean it in a mean way! I was just answering you're question." Ross said.

"You did this to me! If you didn't want me to be famous, then you should of never showed my song to Matt."

Ri, get in the car!" Ross yelled at me.

"Don't yell at me."

"Ri, baby, please." Ross said.

I got back in the car and Ross started to drive.

"Are you really jealous of me?" I asked.

"No. Babe, of course not. I'm so happy for you."

"I love you so much." I said.

"I love you more."

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