Chapter 96

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(The POVs are gonna change a lot in this chapter so try to keep up)

~Ross' POV~

Today is the day that I marry my best friend. Riley is the perfect person for me. I love her so much.

"Bro, get up! You get married today!" Ryland yelled, coming into our room.

"I know." I mumbled as I rolled over.

I got up and got in the shower. Once I was done, I put on some sweatpants. I started admiring my body. Riley is so lucky that she's getting all this. But then again, Riley is perfect too. She has the perfect ass and her boobs aren't too small. Looks don't matter, it's the personality.

Riley and I decided to stay apart until the wedding. She and Rydel slept at our house last night and I stayed at home. I really missed her and needed to kiss her. I grabbed a sweatshirt and went to my car.

I drove to our house and went to the door. Locked, of course. I knocked on the door.

~Riley's POV~

"It's Ross." Rydel said looking through the peephole.

"I miss him." I said, looking out.

"Ri? I miss you. Can I have a kiss?" he asked.

I opened the door and gave Ross a passionate kiss. He looked so sexy with his wet hair and sweatpants. I can not wait to wake up next to him everyday.

"I love you." he mumbled against my lips.

"You have to go." I said, putting my hands in the front pocket of his sweatshirt.

"You know you don't want me to leave." he said, kissing me again.

"You're right but I'll see you at the wedding. We're going to be married in 5 hours." I said.

"I need to you so bad right now. I'm hard for you." Ross said, pulling me closer.

"Please Ross don't say that." I begged, getting a weird feeling down there.

"Ross, I have to get Riley ready! Leave!" Rydel demanded.

"One more kiss." Ross begged.

I kissed him and then pushed him out the door. I relocked the door and went to my room. Rydel did my hair and makeup. I then put on my dress.

"You look amazing!" Rydel exclaimed.

Then Alexa and Savannah arrived to get ready with Rydel. Our colors were yellow and pink. Everyone looked great and it was time to go to the church.

~Ross' POV~

I had put on my suit and my mom had done my hair. My bros drove me to the church. My dad was there already because he was walking Riley down the isle. I went to the alter to get ready. People were getting seated and our photographers were there.

Then the music started playing and the doors opened. Everyone walked down the isle and then Riley was left. When I saw her turn the corner, I instantly got tears in my eyes. She was so beautiful and she was wearing a strapless dress.

We said our vows.

"Ross , do you take Riley to be your wife?"

"I do." I said with a smile.

"Riley, do you take Ross to be your husband?"

"I do." Riley answered.

"You may know kiss your bride."

I gave Riley the most passionate kiss ever. People were cheering and fireworks were going off in my stomach.

I'm married to the best person in the world.



A&A season 4 tomorrow!!


Best friends brother(Ross Lynch/R5)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя