Chapter 15

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~Ross' POV~

"Ri, time to get up." I said whispering in her ear. Her eyes fluttered open.

"What?" she moaned.

"We gotta go soon. Go get in the shower." I said.

"Ok." she answered.

She got up and grabbed some clothes. Riley walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

I decided to get up too. I went to my drawer in Riley's room and grabbed some shorts and a shirt. I ran my fingers through my hair. I then sat down on her bed and looked around. Riley still hasn't taken down the pictures of me and R5. She has no reason to. I just laughed to myself.

"Ross, come here." Ri said from the bathroom. I hopped up and went into the bathroom.

"What do you want?" I said in a funky voice (Cali adventure R5TV).

"I want you." she laughed.

"I'm all yours." I said into her ear.

I gave her a small kiss. Then someone came into the room.

"Guys lets go! We're leaving in 20 minutes!" Ryland shouted.

Riley quickly put on some makeup and pulled her hair up. Then we grabbed her stuff and headed downstairs. Colorado and family here we come.


~Riley's POV~

"Ok guys, before you get out, put on these beanies and sunglasses. We shouldn't get recognized as fast with these." Riker told us handing out the accessories.

We all put everything on and then got out of the van. We grabbed our luggage and headed inside to security. Ross gripped my hand while we were walking.

"I'm fine." I informed him.

"I'm protecting you." Ross smiled.

"Thanks babe."

Security checked us out and let us go through. We were just walking around the airport when I heard girls screaming.

"Ross." I said scared.

"I got you. Just keep walking."

The fans started to gather around us. Ross' grip on my hand got tighter. They were taking pictures and yelling our names. After they signed some autographs and took pictures, the fans died down except for the occasional "OMG ITS R5!" that someone would yell. We finally got to board our plane to Colorado.


Ahh, Colorado. I've never been here before and I'm really excited to meet Ross' family.

"Babe, you ready?" Ross asked.

"Totally. I can't wait to meet your family."

We walked out of the airport and to a car that said 'Lynch' on a piece of paper on the windshield. Mark said that this was the car that we would drive to Littleton. He said it was awhile away since we were in Denver. I got in the car and sat between Ross and Rydel.

"Dell, I love those shoes!" I exclaimed. She was looking at shoes on her phone. Ross found my hand and intertwined our fingers.

I put in a headphone and gave Ross the other one. I jammed some music while Dell and I shopped for clothes on our phones. Soon enough we arrived in Littleton.

"We're here!" Rocky shouted like a little kid.

Mark pulled up to a medium sized house and there was lots of people in the yard.

Ugh! Are you serious!?" Ross moaned.

"Ross, do you see who's here?" Ryland asked.

"Ya! Why is she here?" Ross said getting angry.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused about the whole situation.

"My old girlfriend Lexi. She was in one of our music videos we made when we were little. We broke up when I moved to California. She means nothing! Why did they invite her?" Ross said.

"Ross, they probably don't know that you have a girlfriend. You guys just got together a few months ago. Nobody here knows. They probably want you guys to get back together." Rydel explained.

"Ya. But I don't want here anymore! I want Riley!" Ross yelled.

"Just deal with it bro." Riker said. "She'll go home soon enough."

I got out of the car and Ross grabbed my hand.

"Rossy! I missed you so much!" this girl yelled.

"Uh, hi Lexi. This is my girlfriend Riley." Ross said awkwardly.

"You're cheating on me?!" she exclaimed.

"We broke up." Ross said with no emotion.

"But I still love you!"

"Well, I don't love you. I love Riley. Lexi, I think you need to leave." Ross said sternly.

"I won't ever forget you." Lexi cried then ran down the road.

"Now that that's over, let's get this party started." Ross said excitedly.

(A/N- Instead of writing a super long chapter about everything they did, I'm just going to write a little summary of things they did each day.)

•Day 1•

Today we spent the whole day as a family, catching up on life and just hanging out. We went snowboarding and to a really nice restaurant. I felt bad making this family pay for everything but they offered. I had money but they never let me pay. Ross' family is really overprotective so they didn't let Ross and I sleep together. I mean, c'mon!

•Day 2•

Today, Ross took me to these sledding slopes for a date. He rented this sled and we went down this mountain like 50 times. Ross was such a gentlemen and was always helping me. After we were down sledding, we went into the lodge and got hot cocoa. I was so in love with Ross Shor Lynch.

•Day 3•

It was really cold today so we all decided to go see a movie. We picked out Frozen even though we had all seen it thousands of times. After the movie, we went out for pizza. After pizza, we all went back to the house to hang out together as one big happy family.

•Day 4•

Today Ross thought it was a good idea to teach me how to play ice hockey. I had only been ice skating once so I was always falling down. Ross held hands with me and walked with me around the ice until I got comfortable. Then Ross taught me to hold a hockey stick and shoot goals. It was hard! I have no idea how Ross was so pro on the ice.

•Day 5•

Today I helped Ross' family get ready for a going away party for R5. It was tomorrow. Ryland took them to play hockey and go sledding while the rest of us stayed back and set up everything. We got decorations and tons of food. I mean, they are growing and the boys will eat tons of food.

•Day 6•

Today is the surprise party for R5. Ryland took them sledding again just so we could finalize everything. But when they came home, they were really surprised. Ross could literally not stop kissing me! I wasn't complaining...

•Day 7•

Today is our last day in Colorado. I really like it here. I don't want to leave. We are leaving in 4 hours.

Goodbye Colorado.

Best friends brother(Ross Lynch/R5)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum