Chapter 21

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~Riley's POV~

Ross is on the phone and has been for about 15 minutes. I'm really bored.

"Sorry babe." he said once he hung up.

"Who was that anyway?" I asked.

"A&A writers."

"You're leaving, aren't you?" I questioned.

"Yep, and you're coming with." Ross said running down the stairs and to the car.

"I really don't want to go." I whined to Ross as he was driving.

"I have a surprise for you." he said as we pulled into the Disney lot.

"What is it?"

"You'll see." he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

"Is this her?" a guy named Reese asked.

"Sure is."

"Perfect. Take her to hair and makeup. Show her the dressing room and what she is going to wear." Reese said before leaving us alone.

"Ross, what is going on?"

"You're going to be on the show?" he said kind of nervously.

"I AM?!" I almost screamed.

"Chill chill. You have to act cool about it."

"I know. I've already met them. It's totally fine." I said in a calmer voice.

"Ok. To hair and makeup. See you soon." Ross said then gave me a kiss and we went our separate ways.

I made it to hair and makeup and they gave me a totally different look.

"Here's a script. Learn it." some chick said.

The ladies curled my hair and put a beanie on me. Then they did my makeup. I left that room and went to my dressing room. I changed into the clothes that were in there. Then I found the set while studying my script.

"Hey Riley!" Raini said as she approached me.

"Hey!" I responded.

"You ready to be Ross' girlfriend on the show?" she asked.

"Sure am! It should be easy."

"Riley and Ross to set!" a voice said.

I went to set and saw Ross dressed as Austin in the Sonic Boom set. Laura was there already. Raini and Calum weren't in this scene.

"Ok, Austin and Ally you guys are just talking amongst yourselves. Sarah comes in wanting to hang out with Ally because you guys are friends. You guys know the rest." Reese said.

"ACTION!" Someone said.

"You should totally be a rocker!" Austin said.

"In your dreams." Ally responded.

"Hey Ally!" I said as I walked through the door.

"Hey Sarah!"

"Wanna hang out?" I ask.

"Sure lets go!" Ally says before we exit.

"Who was that?" Austin asks when Trish and Dez enter.

"That's Ally's friend Sarah. She's new at our school." Trish says.

"She's cute." Austin mumbles.

"CUT!" Someone yelled.

"You guys are free. Nice job Riley." Reese said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Race you to the dressing room!" Ross shouted before starting to sprint down the hallway.

"Ya ya!" I said before running after him.

He ran into his dressing room and slammed the door right on my hand.

"ROSS! MY HAND! OWWWWW!" I cried as tears ran down my face.

"Baby, I'm soo sorry!" Ross said when he opened the door.

"I think it's broke." I cried.

"You sit down and get ice. I'll get the set nurse." He said before running down the hall. Ross brought back a girl who examined my hand.

"The bones are bruised. Just be careful and keep ice on it." She said.

Ross came and sat down next to me. He wiped the tears from my face and a single tear fell from his eye.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"When I hurt you, my heart gets ripped in half." He explained.

"It's okay. It will get better."

"I know but it's my fault." He said.

"I still love you." I laughed.

"I love you too." he said before giving me a soft kiss.

"Let's go home." I said.

We for dressed and went back to the house. Rydel and Stormie were freaking out about my hand.

"It's fine guys." I reassured them.

"I'm going to bed." Ross said before heading up the stairs. I followed him.

"What's wrong?" I asked shutting the door.

"I feel horrible about your hand. I can't get it out of my head. I was messing around and I hurt you. I could of broken you." Ross said as he paced around the small room while tears fell down his checks.

"Ross, it's okay. Really. I promise. I love you, okay? Don't forget that." I said before giving him a passionate kiss on the lips.

"But it will always be in my mind."

"I don't know why you are making a big deal about this." I said.

"I hurt you Ri! I hurt myself!"

"Ok Mr. Overdramatic once you get over this, give me a call." I said before stomping out of the house and into my own.

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