Chapter 5

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~Riley's POV~

I haven't been with Ross for 4 weeks. They went on tour and had photo shoots. I'm sitting in my room waiting for someone to text me or call me asking to do something. I was really bored. I decided to go through my closet but first text Rydel.

Me: is anyone home? I'm bored

Rydel: uh I think Ross should be

I didn't want to bombard Ross at 9 in the morning so I decided to go through my closet and see what I needed. I discovered that I need more summer shirts since June starts tomorrow. I wanted shorts, tank tops, shirts, and converse. A girl can never have too many pairs of converse. I needed to also get bows and things for my hair. Maybe Dell will want to go shopping too.

I decided to go see my wonderful boyfriend. Since it was our anniversary. I got on a skirt, a nicer shirt and some flats. I added some jewelry and some curls to my hair. I also added some makeup to make myself presentable. I grabbed my phone and heading across the grass.

I opened the door and heard nothing. But then I heard someone kissing someone else. I bet Ryland and his girlfriend are here somewhere. I headed up to Ross' room and discovered that the noises were coming from there. I knocked and waited. No answer. So I opened the door to find Ross and another girl making out in his bed.

I didn't know what to do. I just stood there in awe. I thought he loved me and he would never hurt me. I didn't even know who this girl was!

"Uh Riley." Ross said awkwardly.

"You're a bitch! Don't talk to me ever again!!" I screamed/cried then ran out of the house.

I ran up to my room and bawled my eyes out. I couldn't believe he would do something like that.

~Ross' POV~

"Who was that?" Kaylee asked me.

"Riley. She's my other girlfriend, or use to be." I explained.

"Ross, she's really pretty and you cheated on her! That's not okay. I don't like cheating so we are done here." Kaylee said then walked out of my room.

What was I suppose to do now? I lost a pretty girl and the love of my life. I needed to get Riley back. I can't live without her.

I threw on some jeans because I had sweatpants on. I fixed my hair and put converse on.

~Riley's POV~

I had be crying for what seemed like hours. Then I heard someone downstairs. I didn't care who it was. Then the person opened my door.

"Riley please." I recognized his voice.


"I'm sorry. I'm a stupid idiot. I don't even know what I was thinking. Please forgive me." He said.

"Ross, I got all dressed up hoping we could do something because today is our one month anniversary. But I come over to your house to find you making out with some other girl. Thanks for ruining my day. Now get out before I call the cops!" I demanded.

"Riley, why can't you see that I'm sorry? You're being so childish about this. Grow up and get over yourself."

That made me cry more.

"I loved you Ross! I trusted you with anything and everything but you broke that trust. But that's all over now. So go suck face with some other girl. I hope you get her pregnant and you guys live a happy life. NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I screamed.

"Ok." Ross cried then left my house.

I couldn't let him get away. I needed him. I love him. I wiped the runny makeup off of my face and threw on some shoes. Then I sprinted downstairs and outside. Ross was sitting on my front porch crying his eyes out.

"Ross!" I said surprised.

"Sorry. I just can't leave you. You're my everything. I'll go now."

He started to get up and walk away when I ran to him and jumped into his arms. Then I crashed my lips onto his.

"I'm so sorry that I yelled at you." I said.

"Me too. I love you."

Then we went back to kissing just as rain began to come down.

Best friends brother(Ross Lynch/R5)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora