Chapter 2

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I walk into work bumping straight into Keith, "you're in a rush today" he chuckles. "Oh sorry Keith I'm just so tired" that was kinda true it's just I could not shake off that photo of Shayne and mystery girl let's call her Emma for now she did look like an Emma.

She had the face of a super model with her golden brown hair and stunning blue eyes, ughhh I just needed to stop thinking about it please.

"You want to grab some coffee?" Keith asks me distracting me of my thoughts, exactly what I needed. "Yeah... sure" I answer remembering "Oh can I just grab my wallet, I left it on my desk". We walk in and I go to my desk to grab my wallet when Shayne walks in.

"Shayne, how are you" Keith exclaims giving him a hand shake, "I'm just really tired" he confesses and I quickly turn around to stop what was about to happen. "Why don't you come and get coffee with us?" Keith asks him, "That's alright with you, isn't it" they both turn to me when Keith asks me. "Of course" I lie smiling.

Once we order and get our coffee we sit down at a circle table, i really didn't want to be here. "I need to ask you something" Keith says turning to Shayne, He nods and so Keith continues "which photo should I upload on Instagram" He gets out his phone and shows two photos very similar of him and Noah, one with their arms crossed and one with them hugging.

Shayne continues to say it's up to him and they go back and forth disagreeing with each other, "go with the second photo" I say interrupting and rolling my eyes at the two immature boys in front of me. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Shayne says laughing, if only he knew he was the problem.

"On the topic of Instagram" Keith ignores Shayne's comment, "What was with that photo last night", and that's when I look around for something to stab myself in the eye with. "Oh-Um that was nothing" he stutters starting to blush and I feel sick to my stomach, I can't believe I let jealously get the best of me.

"Come on man, you can trust me" Keith starts convincing Shayne, "I guess I can tell you guys" he says thinking hard of what to say next, he looks over at me and I give him a fake smile. "You don't have to explain" I say to Shayne hoping he'll listen to me, "That girl, you see, were kinda dating" He stutters out.

I cough out the coffee I had just sipped in, Keith laughs at my reaction. "Don't worry about her she's just jealous" he explains to Shayne, I start to heat up and slap Keith on the shoulder. Shayne just nervously laughs as I tell Keith to shut up.

Shayne explains he should get going as he has a lot of work to do or something, we say goodbye to him as he leaves the cafe. "What was that all about" I raise my voice at Keith, "I don't know what you mean" He asks starting to get me mad, I guess he realises "I was just trying to help" Keith admits.

"Help what exactly?" I say getting confused, "you, it's obvious that you have feelings for him" Keith says laughing as I start to blush like crazy. "Well I don't so thanks a lot" I lie he was probably just playing around it wasn't that obvious, was it?

"Whatever" he laughs not believing me, I turn around and start to walk out the cafe when I hear, "But I have a plan that could make him yours".

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