Night One- Captured

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You opened your eyes, disoriented, your head throbbing with a pulsing headache

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You opened your eyes, disoriented, your head throbbing with a pulsing headache. You were half sitting, propped up against a wall, unable to move your arms. Your entire body was covered in sharp pain and tingling numbness; you tried to shift away the discomfort, but you could barely move, and it only made you hurt more. You looked around, trying to get your bearings. To you it looks like you were in a storage room; there were boxes along the wall, and discarded cans of paint littered on the floor. There was more; there were piles of furry fabric everywhere. You peered at these items sleepily. You felt muzzy, and felt as if you closed your eyes you could go back to sleep, but you wouldn't let yourself. You shook your head hard, trying to clear it, and yelped. "Oh no..." you moaned. The throbbing in your head became more painful. You closed your eyes, waiting for the throbbing to numb. Eventually it did, and you opened your eyes, starting again. You looked down to see your restraints. Oh jeez no. You were wedged inside the heavy barrel shaped torso of a mascot costume, the headless top half of some kind of animal. The arms hung limp and empty from the sides of the costume. Your legs stuck incongruously from the bottom, looking small and thin in contrast. You could feel other things inside the mascot torso, pieces of metal pressed against your back and poked into you. You could feel raw patches of skin, and did not know if the thing you felt trickling down your back was sweat or blood. Something was pressing into the sides of your neck, and when you turned your head, whatever they were dug into your skin. The costume fur was dirty and matted, and a faded color that might have once been blue, but now was a bluish approximation of beige. You could see the head of the same color sitting on a cardboard box, and with a flicker of curiosity you looked at it, but was not able to determine what kind of animal it was. You looked around the room, comprehension dawning. You finally knew where you were. The piles of fabric had faces: they were empty costumes, mascots from the restaurant, deflated, collapsed, and staring empty-eyed at you, like they wanted something. You looked around slowly, trying to assess calmly, though your heart was fluttering alarmingly in your chest. The room was small, a single bulb overhead lighting it dimly and flickering ever so slightly, giving the place a disquieting impression of movement. A small metal desk fan, brown with rust, was gently oscillating in the corner, but the air it blew was heavy with the smell of stale sweat;costumes left unwashed for a decade. You were too hot; the air felt too thick, like it was not as full of oxygen as it ought to have been. You tried to stand, but without your arms you could not brace yourself, and as you moved, you felt another violent wave of nausea, and a sudden, angry surge of the pain in your head. "I wouldn't do that," a raspy voice muttered. You looked around, seeing no one, then the door opened. It moved slowly, and somewhere beneath your terror, you felt a twinge of impatience. "Who is it? Let me out of this." you said in panicked desperation. The door squealed like an injured animal as it glided open, almost of its own accord, the frame empty. After a moment's pause, a yellow rabbit poked its head around the corner, its ears tilting at a jaunty angle. It was still for a moment, almost posing, then it came in with a bouncing walk, graceful, with none of the stiff,mechanistic movements of the animatronic animal. It did a small dance step, spun, and took a deep bow. As it ascended from its bow, it's silver, glowing eyes peered down at you. "Who are you?" you asked, a hint of sharp sarcasm to your voice. You then remembered: the rabbit! "YOU!!!" you screamed, terror and anger in your voice.

"Don't speak," the rabbit said. His silver eyes glitched. Or did they blink? You stayed silent, the rabbit's glowing eyes stiffly fixed on you. You studied the rabbit. The rabbit is a heavily damaged rabbit animatronic of an olive drab color with darker colors on his stomach and insides of his ears. A great portion of his right ear is missing with wires sticking out of the stump left behind. The rabbits entire body is torn and tattered with gaping holes exposing caging and wires throughout, thus making it appear much more macabre-looking than any of the other animatronics that you remember. His black nose has an irregular squarish shape due to deterioration. While both hands and feet are attached and generally intact, his legs are entirely stripped from the mid-shin down, fully exposing endoskeleton metal and wiring. His endoskeleton feet appear wedge-shaped with each sporting five toes. Several finger joints from each hand are missing their suit overlays. The middle and pinky fingers of his right hand are notably missing their fingertips. A single black button can be seen on the middle of his chest. But one thing caught your eye. You focused your complete attention to the large hole from his chest which is located under his button, and saw multiple red lines. The animatronic rabbit was very beat down, but there was a mean, undeniable strength in it, a rodentine vitality that you recognized. The rabbit's face, with its malevolent delight in your pain and fear, was one of the most terrifying things you had ever seen. You opened and closed your mouth, then, valiantly, found your voice.

"What do you want with me?" you asked, defiant. The mysterious, destroyed animatronic did not seem to hear you.

"I told you not to move," the rabbit said calmly. "It's not an order, it's a friendly warning. Do you know what I've put you inside?" the rabbit asked.

"Your girlfriend?" you asked, and the male rabbit's face made a thin curve of a smile.

"You're amusing," he said with distaste. "But no. You're not wearing a costume, not precisely. You see, these suits were designed for two purposes: to be worn by men, and to be used as working animatronics, like the ones you see on the stage. Do you understand?" the rabbit asked harshly. You nodded, or began to, but the rabbit's serious glare stopped you. "I said don't move," he said. "You see, all of the animatronic parts in that suit are still in it; they are simply held back by spring locks,like this." The horrible rabbit went to the pile of costumes and selected one, bringing the fuzzy gold top, headless, over to you. He held out the costume, waggling two twisted pieces of metal that were attached to the sides of the neck. "These are spring locks," he said, and brought the piece of metal so close to your face you almost could not focus your eyes on it. "Watch." He did something, touched some piece of the lock so imperceptibly that you could not see what he had done, and it snapped shut with a sound like a backfiring car. You stiffened, suddenly taking the order not to move deathly seriously. You tried to focus on what you were being told. You could still hear the snap, as if it had lodged in your head like a song, and kept repeating. I'm going to die, you thought for the first time since waking. This thing will kill me! "You can trip these spring locks very, very easily," the male animatronic went on. "It takes almost no movement at all. That's a very old costume.And if you trigger those spring locks, two things will happen: first the locks themselves will  snap right into you, making deep cuts all over your body, and a split second later, all the animatronic parts, all that sharp steel and hard plastic will instantly be driven into your body. You will die, but it will be slow. You'll feel your organs punctured, the suit will grow wet with your blood, and you will know you're dying for long, long minutes. You'll try to scream, but you will be unable to: your vocal cords will be severed, and your lungs will fill with your own blood until you drown in it." There was a far away look in the animatronic's silver gray eyes, and you knew with chilling certainty that the male rabbit animatronic wasn't predicting. He was reminiscing.

"How—" your voice broke, and tried again. "How do you know that?" you said, managing a raspy whisper. The animatronic didn't answer. You set your jaw and met the animatronic's paranormal silver eyes."Who are you?" you repeated. The animatronic rabbit looked surprised by your question. Now you obviously know the animatronic hadn't listened to you the first time you asked the question. The rabbit gave you a demonic smirk.

"Of course," the animatronic said, the kind of polite murmur people made when they didn't care. "I'm known as Springtrap. I was so sure the new security guard would know that by now," the animatronic declared in a devilish tone. Your eyes became wide. This monster, thinks you're the new security guard!?! You suddenly made an involuntary sound, a helpless and frightened mewl. You tried to swallow. Your mouth was so dry you could not have spoken, even if there had been anything to say. Springtrap smiled unpleasantly. "Don't move," he said again.

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