Escape Attempt 1

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"Just see me!" you whispered aloud, to no one, but all at once, you felt as if you had been heard, felt the inexplicable sense of someone else's presence in the room. Your heart began to race again, the adrenaline that had given out finding its second wind. Carefully, slowly, you looked around, until something caught your eye. It was only one of the costumes, slumped empty in the shadows, half-hidden in the corner of the room. It was motionless, but its face was pointed directly at you, as if it were staring at you. As you looked back, you realized that deep within the recesses of the costume's eye sockets, were two tiny glints of light. You felt little muscles twitch, a restrained shudder running through your body, not quite enough to get yourself killed. As you held the creature's gaze, you felt himself begin to calm. Your heart's pounding eased, and your breath grew even; it was as though suddenly, you were safe, though you knew the suit you were wearing was still only one flinch, one startled jump, from killing you. You kept looking at those two pinpoints of light, and as you did, you heard a voice, and in a gasping instant it was as if all the air had been sucked from your lungs. The voice wasn't coming from the suit, but from outside. You listened intently, trying to focus on who's voice it could be. As you continued to listen, but the voice was too quiet, unable to be identified. Abruptly the voice stopped, then the clanging of metal footsteps receded into the distance. Your breath grew short again, and realized that you had to get out of this place if you wanted to survive. You studied the costume for long moments , just slowly identifying the metal that could crush you. "These two spring locks at the neck aren't holding anything back," you thought at last. "He just rigged them to snap and pierce my throat if I try to move. I have to undo those first, then I can open the back of the costume and get  out." But before you go to work, you make a mental note to not move too quick, or you won't see the light of day again. You also looked around for something to help you undo the spring locks, since your arms were pinned to your sides. You suddenly saw an animatronic arm close to your feet. You picked up the arm with your feet, transferring the object to your hands, ready to get to work.

Carefully, slowly, using the animatronic's arm, you reached into the costume's neck and took hold of the first spring lock, maneuvering it until the animatronic's fingers were wedged between the lock and your neck.  You reached down further into the costume's neck,and found the trigger. With a stinging snap, the lock sprung against the animatronic's hand, you relieved it wasn't your hand that got hit. One down, you thought, as you used the animatronic hand  pull it, harmless, out of the neck of the costume. You then moved the animatronic arm over to the other side, and began the process again. You looked up from your work from time to time, making sure that Springtrap wasn't coming. Your skin was warm under your touch, and even though you were not speaking you could still feel movement, feel the life you had, and  blinked back unexpected tears. You ignored your feelings and focused on the task. You worked open the spring lock again, taking the impact on the palm of your trusty work tool, the animatronic hand, and pulling the disabled device free of the costume. You finally took a deep breath in,but instantly  stiffened, and exhaled slowly, your eyes wide and frightened. "Right," you remembered. "Still in a death-trap." You knew exactly how much danger you were still in. you used the animatronic arm to reach around behind the costume, where a series often leather and metal fasteners held the back of the costume together. You considered it for a moment: you needed to keep the costume still, exactly as it was, until the last moment. You grabbed some more animatronic parts, sat them down behind you, and positioned the metal animatronic appendages so that  the costume would stay in place with her as you opened the costume. "I didn't know you cared," you muttered to no one, as though attempting to put a joke together but too tired and too scared to finish it. One by one, your trusty animatronic arm tool worked the fasteners free. The leather was stiff, the metal tightly fitted, and each one fought back as you worked, clinging together. When you were halfway up the back of the costume, you felt its weight begin to shift and you positioned the metal appendages  to grip the suit tighter, holding it together. Finally, you undid the last one, at the nape of your neck.  took a deep breath. This was it. You focused again, knowing that the moment you took the costume off, you had to run from it, before the spring locks caught you. One... Two...Three! You yanked the costume open and thrust it away with all your strength, and  jerked back from it, toppling roughly into a pile of cardboard boxes. The costume skittered halfway across the room, leaving them clear. A series of snaps like fireworks sounded, and  watched as the empty costume writhed and twisted on the floor, the animatronic parts snapping violently into place. When it came to a stop, you relaxed. The thing was just a torso, just an object on the floor. Suddenly, you let out a low, pained groan, then turned and vomited onto the floor beside you, heaving and retching so hard it was as if you would be turned inside out. Once you stopped throwing up your guts, you went to the door, trying to find a light switch. Your  fingers stumbled across the switch, and you flipped it up. The old fluorescent lights clicked and buzzed, then slowly a dim and unreliable glow filled the space."All right," you whispered with a thrill of excitement. You turned around, and as you did, something brushed your face, and a fleeting impression of big plastic eyes and broken yellow teeth flashed before your eyes. You screamed and leaped back, clutching for balance at shelves that swayed as you grabbed them. The head you had touched, an uncovered wire frame for a costume with nothing but eyes and teeth to decorate it, wobbled precariously on the shelf beside you, then fell to the ground. Your heart still pounding, you brushed at yourself roughly as if you were covered in spider webs, your legs unsteady as you moved back and forth with agitation. The head rolled across the floor, then came to rest at your feet, looking up at you with its cheerful, sinister smile.You instantly jerked back from the ghastly grin, and something grabbed you from behind. You tried to yank free, but was stuck, a pair of metal arms wrapped around you. The bodiless limbs clung to your (F/C) shirt, their hinges biting into the cloth, and as you tried to wrest yourself self away Your (H/C) hair was caught, too, tangling you deeper into the wire until you felt as if you would be consumed. You screamed for help,  and the arms reached out further, almost seeming to grow as you fought and struggled against them. You fought back with all your strength, fueled by terror and a base, frantic fury that this thing would hurt you. You suddenly froze, hearing the maniacal evil laughter of Springtrap. He came close to your face, his devilish smile showing amusement.

"Did you really think I didn't know you were trying to escape?" the monster rabbit asked as he  disengaged your (H/C) hair from the metal frame. As soon as the horrible Springtrap released your hair from the monster entangled in your hair,  pulled away from the rabbit, still in a panic, trying to get away and smacked your head into a cardboard box. You cried out, startled, then the box overturned and eyes the size of fists fell to the ground like rain,showering down with a clatter and rolling everywhere, covering the floor. You stumbled and stepped on one of the hard plastic orbs, and your feet went out from under you. You desperately grabbed at a shelf and missed, and fell on your back, landing with a thud that took the wind out of you. Stunned and gasping, you looked up: there were eyes everywhere, not just on the floor, but in the walls. They looked out at you from the dark, deep-socketed, shadowed eyes peering down from the shelves all around you. She stared, unable to look away. Springtrap appeared in your field of vision, his demonic impression glaring down at you, but as you looked at him helplessly, tears wetting your eyes, the horrible rabbit's impression softened to a point looking almost like a human. He grabbed your arm  and pulled until you were standing. You still did not have your breath back, and as you inhaled thinly, you began to cry. Springtrap hugged you tightly, and even though you were reluctant, you felt safe within Springtrap's embrace."It's okay, it's okay," Springtrap whispered, and your world faded to black. 

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