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"It's so dark in here!" Emma whined. "I can't see a thing!" She grabbed Chris' hand tightly.

"Ow! Quit it Emma! That hurts!" Chris complained, trying to free his hand from Emma's grasp.

"Guys! Keep quiet!" Kieth hissed. "We're almost out of the passage." Emma and Chris stopped their quarrel and followed Kieth. Behind Chris and Emma was Okami, Bessie and Silver. Silver looked around the passage continuously, amazed. Once out of the passage, the six friends were bewildered at what they saw. They were in the original Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! It had been years since they had been in the Pizzeria, but the pizzeria itself, looked exactly as it did when they were little kids! Everything was just how it was in the old days! There were arcade games, Pirate's Cove, everything had been preserved! Right, now, the six friends stood in the dining hall, and on the show stage was Freddy, Bonnie and Chica! They stood still, but were happy, as if they were being applauded by an absent audience. The six friends looked at each other, and saw a sign on the stage. Chris walked up to the stage to read the sign.

"Freddy Fazbear's has been closed temporarily. Will reopen soon with the introduction of our new animatronic, Sarah," Chris read. New animatronic? Chris thought that any new animatronics would be for the Fright Show, not for the original pizzeria. Why would a new animatronic even be added? What was going on... Kieth felt as if something was watching him, and Kieth saw Freddy, Bonnie and Chica, their heads turned to look at him, the familiar plastic eyes had turned black, and a voice whispered "you can't escape..." someone gently grabbed Kieth's shoulder, and Kieth jumped, turning to see Silver with a concerned expression. Okami was with Silver.

"Kieth, are you okay?" Okami asked. Kieth looked back at Freddy, Bonnie and Chica, but they looked as how they did when he and his friends had first entered the pizzeria, still, but happy, looking out upon a silent audience.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Kieth said, hoping that would convince Okami and Silver to not ask any further questions. Bessie came up to the stage, studying the sign.

"Who's Sarah?" Bessie asked. The six friends looked to one another; no one knew for sure who or what Sarah was, or why she was even being added to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Emma looked at her watch, skeptical, her eyes wide with fear as she realized the time.

"Um...it's 5:59 pm...maybe we should leave... now," Emma suggested, almost in a pleading tone her voice shaky, any trace of her commanding attitude had vanished.

"I think we should stay," Kieth said. "Who knows? We might find something about (Y/N). Suddenly, the lights in the pizzeria went out. The six friends hugged each other, frightened.

"Something is here!!!" Emma wailed. "We're all gonna die!!!!" Emma buried her face into Okami's shirt, soaking it. Okami rolled her eyes, unamused of Emma's behavior.

"Emma, stop being a crybaby," Okami harshly said, pushing Emma away. "I thought you were an adult."

"I'm an adult..." Emma quietly replied in a defensive tone.

"The lights probably go out at the same time every day," Kieth theorized, trying to hide his fear with a calm, even voice. But then, something, like clanking metal, echoed throughout the dining hall. Everyone froze, unable to move. The sound continued, getting louder and louder, whatever it was, it was coming towards the six friends. Kieth regained his mobility, and hid under one of the tables in the room, his friends following his lead. Suddenly the sound grew closer, echoing throughout the dining room.

"We're gonna die!!!!"Emma silently said over and over, tears flowing down her face. Kieth gripped his crowbar, ready. The sound continued to come closer, but just as Kieth was about to leap out from under the table, the sound abruptly stopped. The six friends froze in fear. Kieth took a peek of the room, trying to stay hidden, and froze in absolute terror. The silhouette of a rabbit stood in the east door to the dining hall. It turned its head to the left, then right, as if it was about to cross the street. A soft sound escaped from the rabbit, it sounded like a sigh. The sigh sounded human, it didn't have the metallic, robotic tone as an animatronic would. The rabbit made its way into the room, almost blending with the shadows, heading for the show stage, feeling the wall beside it. It soon found what it was looking for; a lightswitch. As soon as it turned on the light, the rabbit was struck down, not by Kieth, but by Emma! Emma stuck the rabbit with her wrench, hard, sending sparks flying from the impact of her wrench.

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