Chapter 2

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Mr.Wonka read the note

Dear Mr.Wonka
I'm sorry to intrupt you but within this basket is a newborn baby on which I trust on you to raise I'm sorry if you really don't wish to but please do take care of her and with her are your adoption papers if you wish to know why I gave her away and trust you to take care of her it's because I live in the streets and remember you in grade school  and saw how you are so responsible,responsible enough to take my daughter as your own. Mr.Wonka my daughter is now in your hands

As Willy Wonka lowered the card from his face and wiped a few tears he asked Mrs.Rivergate to hand him the child,the adoption papers and a pen,and told her to leave them alone.

Wonka's P.O.V
I can't believe some stranger would trust me with their own child and that stranger was a former classmates.How on earth can I run a factory with a baby with extremely busy scedule at hand,on the othe hand I have no idea how to take care of a baby.I look at her and saw she similiar violet eyes  like mine (yeah saw a picture of willy wonka's eyes being purple)she reached my face and giggled which made me giggle and realised seven of my most trusted workers including Mrs.Rivergate at my door all awestruck I gentlely placed her in her basket.
"Ladies and Gentlemen please go back to work"  but they quickly asked me the question I was asking myself.
''Are you keeping it''
I gave them a look and answerd their question,
"No I'm and I'm planning to give her to one of you."
"No!we all can't"
said Mr. Bucket,
"Why not?"I ask
"Because sir we all have a child or two and well I might have listened to you read the note Loudly
and heard you read I trust you,sir that is one of the hardest thing to do trust someone a stranger trusted you over millions of around here."
"Well how on earth  can I raise a child with no exprience whatsoever?"
Mrs.Hanley placed a hand on her shoulder,
"Mr.Wonka we can all teach you."

Wonka's Adopted Daugter [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now