Chapter 40

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Kate's P.O.V
"What's wrong Kate" Anthony kept on asking.

"Everything's fine okay you can stop asking" I said as I wiped my tears.

We arrived at a diner and we started with our goofing off introduction.

"Come on Kate,sing it with me for a kiss"

"Why would I want an old little kiss for a slob like you"

"Oh come on we're the world's power couple,Kate I love you" He said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it the crowd went "awe"

And in disgust I rubbed my hand with his signature black hoodie,he looked at me with a "Oh you're playing harder to get aren't you" face.

"Okay,fine let's sing All I ask of you by phantom of the opera"

The crowd went "Ohhh"
Then Anthony started singing but instead I stopped him.

"Wait,let's do a challenge if you laugh while looking at me and I do the same" I challenged him into our famous "sitting duo" thingy.

"What's in it for me"

"How about a date"


They gave us chairs and we sat looking at each other's eyes.
He then continued to sing

"No more talk of darkness forget these wild eyed fears,I here nothing can-

He laughed as I stared at him not even doing a face.

"Why are you laughing don't you want a date?" I whispered.
He continued.

Harm you my words will warm and calm you,let me be your freedom let daylight dry your tears. I'm hear no one will harm you your fears are far behind you.

It was my turn so what Anthony doesn't know how I win is always look at their noses.

Say you love me every waking moment turn my head with talk of summertime say you need me with you now and always promise me that all you say is true,that's all I ask of you
Anthony's Part.
Let me be your shelter,let me be your light,your safe no one with harm you your fears are far behind you.
Kate's Part
All I want is freedom a world with no more night,and you always beside me to hold me and to guide me.

Anthony's Part
Then say you'll share with me one love one lifetime let me lead you from your solitude,say you want me with you hear beside you anywhere you go let me go to
Kate Wentell he whispered
That's all I asked of you
Kate's Part
Then say you'll share with me one love one lifetime say the word and I will follow you
Share each day with me each night each morning
Kate's Part
Say you love me
You know I do
Love me that's all I ask of you,anywhere you go let me go too,Love me that's all I ask of you.

We finished the song and gave our Grey-Tell signature hugs.We broke off the hug as Anthony stood up and said in the mic

"So today Kate gonna sing White Horse cause she said it makes her feel calm"
I sat down there shocked and I noticed grandfather and three other people came in I didn't mind because he would come to most of my concerts.

I stood up and anthony grabbed his guitar and I started singing

A/N listen to the song above and stay tune for next chapter kay bye!

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