I'm back!

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Hello people!!! I'm back from my mental health break and I have some things to announce....
First of all thank you guys so much for all the support and all the love that you have given to my books. It really makes my day when I get notified via email that someone commented or liked on a chapter. So I thought it would be nice as my first day back on Wattpad to let you guys know some unique events/ facts about this book and it's sequel (Kate Wonka: the next choclatier)

1. Willy Wonka was going to find Kate first.
Instead of just some employee finding the baby at the gates of the chocolate factory. I had thought that Willy Wonka should have the spotlight first. He was to look outside of the factory admiring the company he had made by himself when he heard the disgusting wails of a baby.

Reason why I cancelled it:
Willy Wonka hates children. He hates things that he can't control, I didn't want to change that about his character. I mean that's what makes Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka!

2. Diana was supposed to be Kate's biological sister.
I had thought about it while writing the book but then I realized how impossible and weird that would be. Not to mention how angry Kate would be if she found out they were blood related.

Reason it was cancelled.
It was impossible and it made Kate's biological mother seem like a prostitute.

3. Anthony Greyson was supposed to be a bad boy.
A last minute decision was to change Anthony's overall character in my opinion changed the story so much! In fact, how Anthony and Kate first met was Anthony threatening her to stone an innocent child.

Reason it was cancelled:
It's a cliche and not to mention Kate would never want that.

4. Kate and Diana's big argument.
In Kate Wonka: the next choclatier Diana became Kate's rock and most trusted confidant. They almost never fight each other because they knew they were on their own ever since Willy Wonka left them on their own. Diana becomes tired of listening to Kate give up on everything because of her loneliness. This grows further into a big argument filled with knife throwing and slurs. Which caused Diana to leave Kate and move in with Charlie.

Reason it was cancelled:
Kate suffered enough, she would not have survived without Diana by her side.

5. Kate was to have a child before her marriage to Anthony.
The scene wherein Kate was asked to have dinner with Anthony and Ariana was really altered a lot. For one, they weren't going out to have dinner. Kate wanted to show off and offered to host the dinner, this led to Ariana with her schemes. Through the whole dinner everyone gets too much drinks which made Anthony and Kate lose their consciousness. This event happened before Kate and Diana's argument so when Kate had given birth to a baby boy,she had him all alone and nearly died if it wasn't for her Ompa-Loompa  she  raised the boy telling him that he was her adopted son and often neglecting him. Anthony only came to know of his son when Kate and Diana reconciled and went to the mall where Anthony noticed Kate and a boy who looked almost like him.

Reason it was cancelled:
Cringe. Just cringe. No. It gives so much angst but it would be so cringy

6. Willy Wonka was going to die in the end.
At the end of the first book, I left it on a cliffhanger, because I wanted the sequel to be about Kate trying to move on just like how Willy Wonka moved on from his rough childhood. Kate was supposed to run away once more and was told by people around the streets that a young girl had been killed. Believing it was his Kate Willy Wonka took his own life.

Reason it was deleted:
Dark! Like really dark. I don't want to do that to a character. Also I was debating whether or not I should because I kinda wanted to give Willy Wonka karma for kidnapping Kate so yeah...

7. Kate was supposed to be kind.
Kate was supposed to be far different from who she was in both books. In fact Kate was a shy person when I first started seeing her character development. She would still be really intelligent and successful, only she would not be quick to respond to situations as she is now. She's also quite arrogant in the books.

Reason it was cancelled:
Kate Wonka has gone through really tough things in her childhood. I didn't want her to be a victim of it and not react to any horrible thing she has to go through as an adult. I wanted her to say No to whatever she didn't want to do.

8. Willy Wonka was going to inform Kate and Diana about his trip.
Okay this is one of the things I wish I had included in the story but thought about really badly but Willy Wonka was going to tell Kate and Diana that he was going on a quick business trip alone and that he was going to be back in two months. This eventually never happened which caused Kate to take over the factory for more than 6 years.

Reason it was cancelled.
I wanted to make Kate believe someone had taken her father from her and make her realize how important he was to her. I also thought that Willy Wonka would be a spontaneous person and the changes I made for it seemed to fit quite well for his character.

8. Kate was supposed to meet the nephew of the Prince.
Yes you heard it right, Kate Wonka was going to meet up with the nephew of Prince Pondicherry. To those who kept saying that they should not even meet, well I hope you guys are really happy that this was cancelled.

Reason it was cancelled:
Irrelevant to the story. Didn't really have a difference between the characters. Also Kate doesn't want to leave her factory.

Anyways Thank you so much for reading! Please tell me what you think about these cancelled events in the story. You're welcome to judge them and comment on each one. I have a short story in mind for a third book about the Wonka-Greyson's and their baby. For now I can't really write that because of school so please be patient with me. Also stay safe and wear your masks!!!

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