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  • Dedicated to Coldplay

Shania saw deer gallop by her feet, and unlike the human world: the deer were not scared of her. She reached her hand out to let the deer sniff her. This was her world. There was no way there was rabies or any sort of gross things allowed in her kingdom- like boys. Yucky, nasty, snotty boys who farted for fun. She only wanted girls in her mind. She went back to the carving on the tree, and studied it.

    It was a heart, to her surprise. It said S+N. Who the heck was ‘N’? Whoever N was, she was determined to find whatever he was. She traced the indention of the heart into the tree, and the edges began to glow a faint blue. She stumbled back and fell flat on her rear in surprise. What the heck was going on? She ran into the meadow, for fear the tree would turn into a bogeyman and eat her! She ran past wheat fields and grassy forests, admiring the wildlife until she reached a large pond in the center of her Eden. The only reason she could tell it was in the center was the one thing that stood itself apart from her home dimension: a faint blue aurora encrusted the edges of the lush forest haven.

    Shania began to wonder if there was anyone else here- with the name of N. She decided to prove her bravery and head back to the tree. She first dipped her hands into the pond, grabbing a handful of water and drank it. This was her kingdom: her brave soul told her she wouldn’t die. She went back to the large oak tree, which was still glowing, and was now carving more words into the tree. Shania rushed to see the indention. She never had the best eyesight, but refused to get glasses due to her risky play outside. Her mother would be infuriated if she saw Shania breaking a $130 pair of glasses. She read the indention.


    A second option was shown.


    Shania despised the second, and refused to press the first. After all, she hadn’t even explored the vast environment of Eden yet. She had to see all the animals here, besides: who knows what would happen in the next area? Would it be just as safe as Eden? Or would it be like hell? Shania was wondering if the first option would allow her to see her mother again. She hated the very nature of Earth, but she loved her mother…even if she tore her apart from her true love.

    She stayed in Eden, and made herself a beautiful shelter. She captured a soft, white bunny and kept him as a pet to live in her sturdy natural shelter. She set up camp near the pond, so she could drink whenever she wanted, and there was always a handful of berries. This was pure life.

    Or was it?

    Shania began to doubt her dreams. She knew this was just a dream, and a slight tug of her hair might pull her out of this world. She was so tempted to try it, but remembered that this was the only way to meet N.

    Boys are stupid anyway! Shania laughed and she pulled her hair tight.

    “Ah!” She yelled at herself.

    She tried tugging it again, but eventually made herself just look stupid. She sat on the grass and pouted. It didn’t work, and she was beginning to be lonely. She really was in an alternate dimension. How’d she get here? Her loneliness made her seem like a philosophical genius due to her brain only focusing on these questions, not on talking. She did that a lot in school, and got yelled at by grouchy teachers. Boys arent so gross…

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