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A/N) before you read this I would just like to say that I've changed the story quite a lot so if you have read this before, it's probably different and if there's any comments that don't make sense with regards of what's happening in the story, it's because I uploaded this story completely different to what it is now. Anyway enjoy-

School had just finished and you were waiting for your friend Sana at the school gate. When you see her walking out of school, you run up to her jumping onto her, dragging both of you to the floor

"Y/N WHAT THE FRICK WAS THAT FOR!?" Sana ask you looking like she would kill you any second.

"hahaha"  was all you could say while getting off of her seeing how annoyed she was. You stopped laughing when she gave you the biggest death glare you have ever seen, making you slightly scared of her

"......sorry are you ok?" you ask pulling her up from the floor." DO I LOOK OK?" "Well you are breathing and talking and I don't think you have any broken-""shut up"

Walking home
"So what do you want to do?" Sana asked you like nothing just happened " do you wanna go to my house, I don't think my mum or dad's in"
" yeah sure" when you get to your house you walk in hearing nothing but silence saying that your mum and dad is not home like usual.

Your mum and dad is never home because of their work leaving you home alone till they get back at around 12 am. You did miss having them around when you are lonely and just wanted to talk to someone who loves you since no one else will. You walk into the kitchen seeing a note on the fridge that says

' hi hun, me and your dad aren't going to be home for some time because of a business trip we need to attend, we left some money on the counter for things like food and anything you need to survive. By hun, love you, see you in a year, mum and dad xxxx'

you read all of that out loud so that Sana could hear it. 'Anything you need to survive'........wow.

You were shocked since it says that they would be gone for a year when they didn't even say goodbye or give notice but you weren't surprised, they always leave without saying goodbye, leaving you alone.

When your mum and dad went on business trips, Sana would always stay with you so that you weren't alone. She has always been a best friend to you since you were little and she is the type of person who would worry if you were alone.

" So should we watch BTS?" you said walking over to Sana with some popcorn in your hands." Yeah sure. Have you heard the news?" You looked at her confused about what she was going on about and before you could say anything she screams out " THEY ARE COMING TO ENGLAND FOR A CONCERT "

You couldn't even say anything you were that shocked. Your favourite Kpop group is coming to England were YOU LIVE.

You both look at the concert tickets and see some that are next week that are only £50. You both scream seeing that they are coming to your hometown where you both could have a chance to meet one of your favourite Kpop groups ever.

Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or anything and I know none of this would happen irl but still.

Kidnapped by BTS|| x reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora