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I was starting to wake up to the feeling of someone's grip around my waist. As I started to get up the tightness started to get tighter making me yelp in pain.

"Oh I'm sorry did I hurt you?"
I heard a deep voice and when I looked up, I saw Yoongi looking down at me with a sweet smile and messy hair.

"O-oh no you didn't, your grip was just a bit too tight"
"Oh sorry.... now what time is it?"
He said while I got my phone out to check the time. Squinting at the sudden brightness.

"Err 12:03am"
"Why is it so early and I'm not tired?"
"Well you have been asleep since the shopping trip"
While I said that Yoongi began to sit up looking around the dark room that we were in.

I started to become hungry so I decided to ask Yoongi if he wanted anything
"Do you want anything to eat?"
"Do you want anything to eat?"
We both said at the same time freaking both of us out
"Errrrr that was weird"
"Yeah it was and because you asked me and I asked you I'm guessing you also want something to eat?"
He said giving me a questionable look.

"Yeah sure why not"
I said while jumping up and heading towards the kitchen while I hear footsteps from behind me
"So what do you eat in Korea?"
"So what do you eat in England?"
"Ok we need to stop doing that it's creepy"
I said while backing up and putting my two fingers up in a cross
"I'm not a demon"
He said while putting my hands down

"So do you want English food or Korean?"
"WAIT do you have McDonald's in Korea? I haven't had McDonald's in like a week"I asked startling him.

"Yes and be quiet, you are going to wake everyone up"
"Oh sorry"
I said while covering my mouth.

"Let's go then"
He said while walking out of the house with me following him.

At McDonald's
After we ordered we was about to pay
"That will be 15,000 won (I have no clue if that is right but oh well)
As we gave her the money we go interrupted
"I think you two are a really cute couple"
Wait what?
"Err n-"
"Thank you I think we are a very cute couple"
Yoongi said walking away smiling.

"Hey what was that?"
"I'm joking you look cute when you are mad"
He said while squishing my checks
"Ok ok I'm sorry"

After you got home you both ate and then decided to go back to sleep because it was 4:39am and you both started to get tired.

Probably a boring chapter but still.
Ignore spelling and grammar mistakes.
Who do you want the next chapter to be about?

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