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It's been around an hour and I'm just sat on the chair outside the surgery room, waiting for some news on Jungkook.

"Any news?" I heard someone say making me jump slightly.

"Oh-oh Tae. No not yet" I said to Taehyung while he stood shirtless with his shoulder bandaged and his shirt held over his arm.

"Oh I'm sure there will be soon" He said taking a seat next me.

"What about the rest? Heard anything from them?" I asked taking his shirt from his arm and holding it out informs of him so he could put his arms in and put it on.

"It has blood on it" He said not putting his arms in.

"I don't care, you'll be cold so put it on" I said putting it over his head.

"Fine" he said putting on his shirt."oh and your mum and dad got arrested for stealing the money and shooting Jungkook. We may or not have lied to the police when they mentioned you though" Taehyung said messing with the hair at the back of his head.

"What did they say?" I asked looking over to him and then back up at the screen witch had the surgeries that was on at the moment 'surgery in progress'

"Well they said that you was in on the kidnapping so that we could get our money back" he said smiling awkwardly.

"It's fine I would've said the same thing" I said before lying down on the other chairs.

"Wait Y/N look" Taehyung said standing up and walking over to the screen 'surgery finished'

-time skip-

Me and Taehyung walked towards the door that the nurse told us Jungkook was in. I reached towards the door handle and slid the door to the left hand side, walking into the room after breathing in.

We both walked in and looked towards the bed. Jungkook was wired to different machines while he was unconscious.

"Jungkook" I said whispering slightly, walking towards the chair next to his bed. He didn't have a shirt on and had bandages around his stomach.

"Erm excuse me, are you his guardian?" I heard someone say from the door making my focus shift from Jungkook to the doctor standing at the door.

"Oh no. We're his friends" I said standing up for the chair and bowing slightly to the doctor.

"I'm guessing you would like to know how he is doing" the doctor said walking more towards me and Tae while flipping through a notebook.

"Right. Jeon Jungkook. 20 years old. Born in Busan and is currently here due to a bullet wound to his lower abdomen." He said before looking up to us to make sure he has the  right person while me and Taehyung just nodded our heads.

"Okay I'm sorry to tell you this but I'm afraid I have some bad news" He said before looking up at me and Tae before continuing.

"The bullet hit his inferior vena cava which is a big vein in the abdominal cavity. Normally a healthy person who eats well and looks after their body could bleed to death within just minutes if the surrounding tissue doesn't keep the blood from flowing freely out of the wound, or they don't receive medical attention immediately. It's very surprising he survived. Due to the amount of damage this has done to his body it will take from a couple of weeks to never for him to recuperate" He said while from the corner of my eye I saw Tae have a look of horror set on his face.

"N-n-never?" Taehyung said walking over to Jungkook.

"I'm afraid so, but we will do as much as we can to try and make sure that doesn't happen. I'll leave you two alone so that you can spend time with him" He said before bowing and walking out of the door and sliding it closed behind him.

"Why does it sound like he is saying that this is the only time we will have with him?" I said sitting back down on the chair beside Jungkook and reaching out for his hand, placing it in mine.

"He will get better. He's strong enough to deal with this. Don't work yourself up about it"

Taehyung POV

He will get better,
He has to,
For me,
For y/n,
For everyone else,
He has to.

lol I actually searched things up for this chapter. I'm surprised I had the effort 😅😂

Kidnapped by BTS|| x reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora