"Come on," He whispered, crawling out of the crevice, pulling me with him.

I got to my feet and looked around us as Thomas tied the vine to another, holding Alby where he was.

Without warning, Thomas suddenly pulled me around the nearest corner, pushing me against the wall. He held a finger to his lips as a 'clicking' noise filled my ears.

"Come on," He whispered very quietly before starting to pull me away from the wall.

We both peered around the corner to see the 'thing' had gone.

"We need to find Minho," I told him as we started sneaking through the Maze.

Before Thomas could respond something landed on his shoulder.

Thomas touched it before making a disgusted face. "Gross."

What it that?

I frowned to myself as I started to hear noises coming from above us.

I looked over at Thomas before we both turned up looked up.

The shuck thing was right on top of us.

"Oh shit!" Thomas cursed.

"Come on!" I screamed as the horrific thing started chasing us.

We started running for our lives through the Maze, the monster not far behind us.

I followed Thomas through many twists and turns, trying to escape.

We suddenly started climbing the Changing walls. There was no way we would be able to keep this up for much longer. I was already getting tired.

I then remembered that night I first ran into the Maze and what happened. There's no way I was going to let that happen again.

Using that as motivation, I got ahead of Thomas and started leading the way.

I made a run for the next corner only to find a massive 50 foot drop below me.

"Crap!" I squeaked, stopping in my tracks.

Thomas suddenly appeared by my side and almost fell off the cliff. I reached out and caught him before he plummeted to his death.

We both turned and saw we had nowhere to go. There was another wall with vines growing on it ahead of us, but there was no way I was going to make that jump.

I looked over at Thomas hoping he had a better idea otherwise we were going to die.

"Liz, we have to jump," he told me as the creature got closer.

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat before nodding.

Thomas took my hand and pulled me towards the edge.

I screamed as our feet left the safety of the cliff and we jumped towards the wall.

Another scream tore from my throat as we came into contact with the vines and grabbed ahold of them.

I winced as the thorns pierced my skin.

The creature suddenly lept from the ledge and landed just above us. It started trying to attack us from above, clawing at us and even trying to sting us.

My heart practically shot out of my chest as the vines on the wall started to give out and peel away.

I shrieked as we both fell on the cold Maze floor in a heap. The creature has also fallen with us, but I grabbed Thomas and pulled him out of the pile before it could do anything.

I then saw it had gotten tangled in the vines, giving us a chance to get away.

"Come on, we need to go!" I shouted, starting to run away before the 'thing' could get free.

We ran for it as the noises coming from the creature echoed through the Maze.

Suddenly a figure jumped out and grabbed us both just as we were about to round the next corner.

"You're both crazy son's of bitches," Minho's face appeared.

We all turned back to see the creature had managed to get itself free.

"Come on, follow me, come on," Minho instructed, running away.

We both were on his heels. He knew this place better than anyone, so surely he could get us out of this mess.

Minho suddenly stopped and looked around. "Okay, it's changing."

A wall not too far from where we were standing started to shift. "Come on, This section's closing. We can lose it through here!"

I followed Minho, sprinting through the closing gap and turned back to see Thomas was still on the other side.

"Thomas!" Minho shouted.

"What are you waiting for? Get out of there!"

My breath got caught in the back of my throat as Thomas started being chased by the creature.

"Come on Thomas!" Minho started a load of screaming.

"Don't look back!"

"Move it Thomas! Go on!"

"Move your ass!"

I shut my eyes and turned away, not wanting to look at the final outcome.

Word Count: 1291

Edited: 23/4/2017

The Maze Within {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now