5/31/17|Xandria' s Birthday| Special

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"Hey Killua, why are you in your room?" Gon asked looking at the me, the anxious assassin. "Reasons." Igrumbled and slammed my head in my pillow frusterated. "Ah Killua is is because you don't have a present for Xandria?" Gon said surprised. "No, its not that, it's Xandria," I said irritated. "She's older than me! By two months!!!" I yell. Gon laughs if off, I notice he has a present already under his arm. "What did you get for her?" I ask full of curiosity. "You'll see!" I sigh looking at the wall, "I already have a present for Xandria." I chuckle to myself. "I can hear you," Gon said leaning on my bedroom door. "GAH, LEAVE GON I NEED TO THINK!" 

Gon giggled and ran downstairs. I move back and forth on my bed. I already had a gift for her, buy I want to give her something she will remember forever. 


 I went downstairs and noticed Yuki holding a picture of me and Xandria. It was me and Xandria arguing, really? i saw another picture of us and it was from Easter. I didn't really notice I was smiling but it was just so many memories really. "Yuki, you took these pictures?" O asked not looking away from the pictures. "Yeah, just thought I would gather them all because it's her birthday. I smirk, I didn't think she would've printed these out. "Hey, Yuki, I have to ask. I want to get another present for Xandria, and I want it to be special.."  "Awe--" A vein popped on my forehead, "Where is she," 

"She's in her room." "Thanks." When I come to Xandria's room, I see her bored out her mind laying on her bed. I come in, "Hey Xandria." 


"Hey Killua." She smiles. I hug her tightly as she gags for air. "Are you trying to kill me?" she exhales, I laugh. "Happy birthday," I say softly. "Thanks, i actually can't believe I'm--" she paused. I sigh  feeling irritated once again, "Go on, say it."  She bursts out laughing. I let off a huff,  "You're so lucky it's your birthday, or I would've killed you." "Well, I'm a teenager now," she ruffles my hair. "And you're still a pre—AH!"  I jump on top of her as the vein gets larger. "Ah,  I've teased you too much already?" I say nothing and thrust closer to her, "Idiot.." I blush. "Why are you so close," Xandria's face turned a slight pink. I didn't answer, I thought, is this the right time? I guess not, I'm making her uncomfortable. "S-Sorry, I just," "Killua, you can tell me," I wanted to tell her, but at the same time, I felt like it was too early.. "Mixed feelings, that's all." I quickly kissed her forehead and left pretending nothing happened. 

I saw Asuna and Yuki making a chocolate cake and my eyes widened. My chocolate senses!!



"Away from the cake Zoldyck, it's not your birthday!" Asuna scolded me. My sholders heavily dragged as I eyed the cake. "Hey I thought Xandria like vanilla cake." Aubrey said looking at it. "Does she not like chocolate?" Yuki asked. "Who doesn't like chocolate cake!!" I whined. Yuki hits me with her wooden spoon violently,  I knew it meant shut up. "She used to not like chocolate cake but now she says it's OK." I gasp and glare at Xandria as she came to the kitchen. "YOU NO LIKE CHOCOLATE CAKE?!" I shook her. "Ahhh, it's ok. I don't hate it." "Hmmmm." 

She looks at the cake, "Wow that's a lot of chocolate.." "ISNT IT BEAUTIFUL!!!?" I sigh. 

"Open the presents Xandria!" Gon said full of excitement. 

Gon's Present 

X: A photo album? :0 

G: Yeah! You can use them to remember me and Killua!! :3

K: that's actually a pretty good present...^^;

X: Thanks Gon!

Aubrey's present 

A: I got you a photo album of us being friends since 2014 and it has all the pictures from then to now! :D


K: ;-; wow another one?

G: me and Aubrey planned the same thing!! ^^;

Asuna's present 

Asuna: since I know u like to draw I got u a sketchbook!! :)

Xandria: yay! Thanks Asuna, I never actually had one of these before! :0

Aubrey: aw I want one >:0

Yuki's present 

X:???? What is--


Yuki: hehehhehehehheheheheh

K: (I'm not even going to mention this)

My present

X: A card and chocolates //////*cri nosebleed rip ^^

Please stand by*****

K: read the card idiot!!! ////*blush* 

For a loving ,unique, creative, special, cute girl like you. I am proud to call you one of my closest -FRIENDZONE??--->friends and I will always protect you and be by your side. I love you ❤️


❤️Happy birthday Xandria_120!!!❤️ I love you!!!😆💕

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