IMPORTANT Something is coming up! Killua Note

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Since there almost 100 parts to this diary there going to be a Finale to all of this! 

But I can't tell anyone about it because I still have to do the Mother's Day special too so The Finale might start After I do the Mother's Day special. ❤️

The Mothers Day special will be long also since I haven't really done any long chapters. 

We're almost at 2k also! Thanks for all the reads and Votes+ Support! I appreciate all my fans, so keep voting for more of "Killua's Diary" 

I still don't know if I should keep going after 100 parts or..? Comment your opinion! 

So right now I'm not thinking about the special but about the Mother's Day special! Heh, I can't wait to make it..But it might take a while, I know the last few chapters have been short and crappy, I know. I admit I suck being a narrator for an assassin but I'm improving I guess? 

Have any Questions? Comment down below but please don't ask too many, I get overwhelmed that way and I've experienced it in the comments. 

Mother's Day Special Ideas---

Breakfeast in Bed (ahh, maybe not that's a classic,but then again..)

Taking her out to eat (I dunno where yet maybe Asuna can find one) 


Spend the whole day with her (well we have no choice.) 

Gong to the mall?! (Ew, no....WHO SUGGESTED THIS!!? Asuna: heh, IM NOT SORRY! *runs into her room* ok then that's getting crossed of the list...

Doing her favorite activities.. (And what is that exactly?) 

Well that's all I can think of for now, maybe we could do a few of them. Or maybe all of the NOT including the mall. 

Asuna: awe..


"Hey, where's mom?" Gon asked signing a Mother's Day card with Aubrey. "She's sleep!" Asuna whispered. "C'mon Xandria get your lazy butt off the couch!" "Huh?" Xandria sighed still half sleep. "Tomorrow is Mother's Day Xandria!" Aubrey yelled from across the room. "Ah, I know I didn't forget." She said getting up from the couch with her hood still on. Her sleepy gentle brown eyes gaze at us innocently. "You have to sign the card Xandria!" Gon said handing the card to her. "Thanks," she signs the card slowly trying not to make it sloppy. "How was your nap?" I asked smirking at her. "It was ok," We decorate the card until we cajoled barly see white on the paper. "We did good guys!" Asuna says holding up the card. The card is done, now what should we do tomorrow for her? We thought a while. "Ah, I got it!" Asuna squeals. 

She tells us her plan and it was perfect, "Good idea!" I say, we can't let mom know though. 


Can't know the surprise until tomorrow on Mother's Day!

Can't know the surprise until tomorrow on Mother's Day!

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