How she apdopted me

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I ran home again after my real mom told me not to I did it anyway. 

I was walking in the woods and saw her. She was in a tree humming to her favorite song. 

I tried to walk past her but she stopped me. 

"Who are you?" 

The woods seemed more peaceful with her there. Usually it's more dark, and mysterious. But not with her around. Walking past her would be a challenge.  Walking past her while she was still in the tree. I should tell she was older cuz' she was taller. "None of your concern.." I walked away from her grimly. 

"Where are your parents?" 

"At home." 

"Why arnt you with them?" 

"I ran away." 

She jumped off the tree concerned for my actions. "Why?" 

"They don't really care about me." 

"Well, I'm Yuki. And I would be interested in adopting you!" 

"Eh? Not interested." 

"Please, I don't want to leave you alone. It's too dangerous..." 

"I'm not a normal kid. I can defend myself. I'm a assassin." 

She gasped. "Oh really? Then  fight me." 

"Fine. If I win you leave me alone. If you win you leave me alone." 

"What? That doesn't seem fair..." 

"Tsk, I don't care." 

I dodge all her attacks including her "special attacks" even though they weren't special at all. 

"That's all you got?" I say not interested. "I'm not interested in fighting you anymore. 

I finish her but she still seems fine. 

"Please..." she says. Fighting back her tears. 

I look at her with my cold eyes. 

"I want to take care of you." 

"Why? Why do you want to take care of me so bad!?" I yell over her and my voice echoes in the woods. 

"I'm sorry your family doesn't care about you. It's just that, I feel bad. And i care. Please." 

"Uh, fine. But I, not calling you "mom" 

"Fair enough." 

She takes me to her home. It was huge like mine only different. "What is your name?" She asks me. "Killua.."  

"What a unique name! I've heard you had a friend named Gon." 

"What about him?" 

Gon's head peeks through from the other room. "Hey Killua!" 

"Gon! Did she adopt you too?" 

He nodded. "So are we....brothers?" 

I look at Yuki and then at him. 

"Possibly." Yuki said grinning. 

I see a boy with golden hair and had a suit on. 

"Who is that?" 

Yuki looks at him and blushes, "erm, my friend." 

"Ok. What's his name?" 

"Golden ..." 

"She likes him!" Gon whispers.

"Boys do you want some breakfast?" 

"Yes!" Gon says. 

"I guess." 

Killua's Diary キルアの日記 (Ask Killua) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now