|The End| 2k Special #3

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"AHHHHH!" Asuna yelled from inside the tent. "What is it Asuna?" Yuki peeked her head in the tent. "There no wifi!!" She squeaked. "Child, get it together, you'll live until we can buy another house. "That might be a while," Golden grumbled. "Yes, it will be, so bare with me Asuna. We'll go to the city tomorrow morning and find an hotel." "Why not today?"  "The storm is coming back soon." Yuki replied. Asuna sighed and layed down on the blanket in the tent. "Screw Mother Nature," I sigh to myself looking at the clouds, "Just one more day," "Hey, don't think too much about it," Xandria ruffles my hair. "Alright." 

The storm surprisingly comes a little early while Gon, Aubrey, Xandria and I were playing.Yuki calls the four of them to the tent. 'Why is the storm here so early? I thought it wouldn't come until later tonight..weird' A little thunder rumbles and it starts to drizzle. I didn't want to stand out here and get a cold while waiting for it so I go to the tent. All of them were silently talking as I went in. "No storm yet?" Yuki asked. "Nope." I look over and see Xandria with my yoyo as it twirls in her fingertips I almost think she's better then me. "I know it sucks guys be we'll have to get in a hotel tomorrow or the next few days until we get a new house, we can't stay in a tent." Yuki told all of us. We all groan in agony, "Why did this have to happen to our house?" Asuna whined. 

"Because your house is in the woods," Kirito sighed. Lightning shot and the thunder got louder. "That's  is your cue, right Killua?" Golden asked. I nodded and walked out the tent. It was darker than usual, it scared me. I walked out the cave and where the tent was and saw a giant cloud above our house that was destroyed. I approach it and it rains on me specifically. I jump back and put my hoodie on. Gotta be prepared to get wet. 

Back at the tent---

"I can't take camping in this weather anymore, we gotta find a hotel tonight." Yuki commanded. "But the weather, Miss-" "Shut it Kirito, we're going to get a hotel."He sighed rolling his eyes. They gather up the tent and head out. I see them leaving, which is a good thing to do I assume. How was I supposed to fight this thing, anyway? Its a stubborn cloud. It didn't seem to have as much energy as it had before, however. No wonder it's stubborn. I float up to it and tap the cloud. It slowly turned white. Hmm I wonder.

Killua's Diary キルアの日記 (Ask Killua) *Completed*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon