|The End| 2k Special #2

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I clench my fists as the lightning struck me, I tryed to control it, but it seemed like it had a mind of its own. I struggle controlling it but the sends me to the ground. More thunder and lightning echoes throughout the forest. "Killua!" I look over at the window and I see Xandria and the others at the window. They must've woke up from the lightning. I say nothing and float towards the black clouds. 

'This isn't a normal storm, is someone behind this?' The clouds hover around around a part of the forest and everything goes white for a split second. And when it goes back to normal the whole forest was set on fire. Trees withered, animals cry, birds escape for safety. I look back to the house and see I think surrounded by a circle of fire. And the house was slowly burning down. 'Oh my,'  I see the others crying for help. Well, family and friends come first, always.  But the storm, it might make things worse. I sprint towards the house and fly towards everyone. "Is everyone alright?" "Yeah, we have to get to safety, quick." Yuki commanded. I nod and get everyone to safety flying everyone far away from the forest fire.

I guess me and my mom were going to attempt to calm it. As I set everyone down most of them were silent and terrified but somehow golden showed no emotion and asked, "Where are you guys gonna live?" "That's not important right now." I sigh, just stay here where it's safe. I fly back to Yuki and I also see her struggling with the storm. "Need some help?" "Obviously!" She yells defending herself. The fire was still alive and it was getting humid quick, Yuki couldn't take so much heat, yet I was immune to it,  I was lightning after all. "I-I feel like I'm going to to faint, too much heat,"  Dark clouds surrounded us as more thunder and  lightning went off.

I saw Yuki slowly fainting so I cannonball her to the other side where the rest are. Mayberry she needs to rest. But now I'm alone, once again. I knew Gon's transformation won't work, it's mostly used for punching, and self defense. How do I control this?' I get frustrated and set one cloud into dust. Shocked, I silently see the thing die off. Anger is the answer is it? But it's not mentally or physically healthy. I'll use it wisely. 


Hey Gon, don't you have a transformation? You should use it!" Asuna said sarcastically. Gon sighed, "It's not helpful for stuff like this."  "Hmm, I wonder. Do you guys have a transformation?" Kirito asked Xandria and Aubrey. Aubrey shook her head slowly, and Xandria shrugged. "Probably not, but it would be cool to have one." "I know right!?" Aubrey agreed. "Can Killua handle the storm on his own?" Golden's questioned. Everyone was unsure. 

It looked like sunrise when the sun went up I sighed in relief but everything started burning. Right when I was back to normal too. I run over to a near cave where the rest were already there. "I feel like a was gonna melt in seconds," Xandria said feeling her somewhat moist skin. "Where are we gonna live?" Asuna whined. Yuki made a miniature tent for all of us to share inside it was nice and cool. Since no one barely got any sleep that night, especially me and Xandria, all of us took a cat nap. Well, our house got burned to ashes and now we're back in the caveman era. Ha, just kidding but it might be a while before everything will be back to normal.

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