Where Are You

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After second core___

Second core seemed like forever. Right, I need to meet up with Xandria and find Yuki.

I go near the art room and but I don't see her. I quietly go inside and see the art teacher. "Do you know where Xandria is? The one that was in your second core class?" 

"Yes," the art  teacher says, "But she left." "W-why?" "She was getting picked on so I sent her to guidance, she was supposed to be back by the end of class but she never returned. The guidance counselor already released her also." 

"W-WHAT?! I need to find her!" 


I ran off to Yuki, "M-mom, I can't find Xandria! The other teachers can't find her, and I haven't seen Gon either. They both went missing! And Xandria went missing because she got picked on! I CAN'T FIND HER!" Tears formed my eyes and went down my face. "Killua, calm down.. We'll find them." Asuna said looking around. "WHERE IS GON!? I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM SINCE THIS MORNING?!" Yuki complained. "WE NEED TO FIND THEM, WHETHER WE SKIP THIRD CORE OR NOT!!" I nodded wiping the tears off my face. "Awe, Killua misses Xandria!!" Asuna teased. "S-shut up Asuna!" I said defensive. 

Killua's Diary キルアの日記 (Ask Killua) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now