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I was Alixian Dyxia. A girl from Magaina. I was next in line to the throne but yet I felt that there's something wrong. I felt like I don't belong. Like I'm longing for something. It's not that my parents were the problem, my friends aren't the problem either. I just really don't know.

I left Magaina, and followed my heart. I've let my curiosity take over. It hurts me to leave the people in Magaina who were close to my heart, but I just can't let myself be bothered by my curiosity my whole life.

And here I am in this peculiar world named Dreaux. This was the place in my blurry dream, I knew it was. But I didn't know why I dreamt of it until this day came.

Alixian Dyxia is gone and Angelicce Elixia is back. I came back, together with the Choisiara and the keepers.

We misinterpreted the prophecy that was given to us years ago, and Dreaux had to suffer because of our doings. But now, we've finally set things straight.

The battle between Kyrine and us has come to an end. It's finally over. I've end it. It doesn't have to be that way but she left me with no choice.

"Angelicce, hurry up! Don't keep us waiting." Kyrine said.

I had to do it. I had to use all the elements against her so her heart's intention will change. I don't want to do it forcefully but I had no choice.

The pieces of Dreaux' heart are now back to where they should be; in the hands of the keepers. And its missing piece isn't missing. It's here inside me. It has always been within me. And as long as I live, Dreaux will forever be safe.

Everything is really back to normal.

Mennaly is now a professor. She was suppose to be a professor but then that happened.

Dylann and Istelia are in charge of Dreaux' time, like what they did before. If it's night, Dylann will bring darkness but not complete darkness, and Istelia does otherwise.

Viephia, well she's still her old jolly self.

Gyrdiana is in the sky. She likes to stay in the sky, she says it's fun up there.

Anateus is pursuing his dream to be the guard of Dreaux. He's undergoing training.

Kyrine is now good. She's finally an Executive now. I've finally got my old friend back.

As for Jeom, he's still my guardian. The guardian who loves me. It hurts me every time I see in his eyes pain caused by me. He loves me but I love someone else. I hope he moves on, after all, someone's waiting for him. He just has to open his eyes and heart to someone who is more deserving and better than me. He deserves his own girl.

Xyther right now is my boyfriend. After years of being separated, we're now finally together.

We're on our way to Zalia's wedding. At last, the long wait is over. I'm proud of her. She's now getting married to her beloved Cyprio.

"You may now kiss the bride." And with that, Cyprio kissed her making me squeal.

In Dreaux, the bride will throw a bouquet of flowers to the audience and whoever catches it, will marry last. And I caught it. Disappointment was written all over Xy's face.

As for Dreaux, well, it's now stable and as long as the Choisiara lives, it'll never come to an end.

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