Chapter 12

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Another challenge is yet to come,
And one must control its fear.
Another mystery will soon be gone,
Once all has been set clear.

She realized she was already back in her room when she heard Xyther calling her name, asking where she is. "Xy, where are you?" She said out loud. She knew Xy will go to her and not the other way around, so she stayed where she is to make it easier for him to find her. "There you are. We've been looking everywhere for you. Where have you been?" She remained quiet, not knowing what to reply.

They remained sitting on the bed for a couple of minutes when Xia started talking. "I was with Kyrine, she told me that she was behind this darkness. She even gave me a week to save Dreaux. She said that I only have a week to save it. How could I save Dreaux if I can't even save myself from forgetting who I really was." Xy comforted her. "You'll know who you really are in time." He said, assuring Xia that she will know who she really is. "I hope that time happens soon." She said, because she knows that they don't have much time. "I hope so too." Xy agreed and they both left the room.

It's a good thing the three of them, Xyther, Zalia and Cyprio, know how to make light. Xia doesn't know since it wasn't taught to them yet. Since Xyther's a good lad, he offered to teach Xia how to make light with magic. "The key is concentration. You don't need to say the magic words out loud, saying it in your mind will do." He continued to talk when Xia nodded. "In order for you to make light, use the word Glareia. You always have to keep your goal in mind—" He said. "—And my goal is to have light in this place." Xia continued what Xy had to say and he nodded at her continuation.

She did what she was told to do so. She concentrated and remembered her goal as she was saying Glareia on and on in her mind. Her eyes were shut close so she could concentrate more and she opened them when she noticed that something is bright and it was her light. Its brightness was more than the three, Zalia's, Cyprio's and Xyther's, combined. All of them was astounded with it. She then told them where she had gone to. Flabbergastingly, they weren't surprise with Xia's story. It seemed like they suspected Kyrine. "We thought so. But, Kyrine isn't that strong to take away light from Dreaux. It must also be because of its instability." So the end really is near. Xia thought and cautiously went to her room to get ready for school.

On their way to school, Xia saw that they aren't the only one having prism or orb of light. At times like this, attendance in school is a must so the teachers may prepare their students on any possible instances. It was her first day being a Connoisseur. She thought of dropping by to her old room before transferring just to bid goodbye to her teacher and classmates, most especially, Relle. "Miss Xia, your room isn't her anymore. It's down the aisle to your left." Her teacher said. "Yes maam. I just dropped by to bid farewell." She then turned to her classmates and waved her hand, shocked was she when they waved back at her. But what shocked her the most is when she saw Relle running towards her, almost in tears. "I'll miss you!" Relle wailed which made Xia laughed. "It's not like I'll transfer school or something." She said trying to refrain from laughing but couldn't and they both ended up laughing.

On her way to her new room. She was shocked to see Xy with someone else, waiting for her. By the look on her face, Xy already know what to do. "Xia this is Jeom. Jeom this is Xia. Since you two are both new. I thought it would be nice for the both of you to get along." Jeom held out his hand and so did she and the three of them went to their room. That wasn't really the reason behind Xia and Jeom waiting for Xia together, but it'll do. They both knew that they aren't allowed to interfere with her memories so they had to make something up.

Jeom is a tall guy. He has a messy gray hair and what's cool about his hair is he has a small portion that is lavender in color. His eyes are blue.

Their class went well smoothly. Xia didn't have a hard time getting along with her new classmates. In fact, she now have plenty of friends. Xia, Xyther and Zalia were on their way home when they saw Midsy carrying a stone in her beak. Oh no, not again. Xia said to herself. It then dropped the stone and Xia caught it one-handedly. They all stopped walking. "This was the stone Miss Dyzeen threw when she was orienting us. This stone happened to float and went towards me and I do not know why." She said, and all of them couldn't believe what she was saying. They chose to discuss that matter at home since it's more private and secure there. Darkness was still everywhere.

When they got home they immediately asked Xia to put out her light because hers shine the brightest and they can't afford their secret room be exposed. Apparently, Zalia's house has a secret room and getting there is a pain in the neck. The way to that secret room are full of traps and challenges that only Zalia knows of so they let her lead the way. When they finally reached the secret room, Xia was asked to light the whole room up and she managed to do what she was asked to do so.

"This isn't an ordinary stone, obviously. This stone is now yours since it chose you." Zalia said as they were sitting on the chairs in the middle of the room. "That stone you are holding right now is a worth stone. It choses who are worthy to be Choisiara, but the weird thing is. Why did Miss Dyzeen threw it in Tyro's orientation day. This should only be shown in Connoisseur's Completion." She continued and with that, everyone was quiet. "She knows who I am." Xia said, all eyes are now on her. Xia told them about her snooping on the faculty's meeting. She also told them that Miss Dyzeen saw here and even eyed her.

"We need to find the keeper of the light." Cyprio said. "While the Choisiara aren't here to maintain Dreaux' balance, the keeper of light can somehow manage to put the light in Dreaux back until the Choisiara return." He added and all nodded in agreement, except for Xia. "Where are we going to find her?" Xia asked.

Cyprio told them the person who might know where the keeper of light is. And that person happened to be Jeom so Zalia and Xy went to find him. When they arrived to Jeom's place, they quickly knocked at the door. Shock was written all over his face when he saw Xia and Xy by the doorstep. "What an unexpected visit." He said as he let them both come inside his house. They didn't let the time go to waste so they immediately told them the reason why they went to his house. "I know where the keeper of the light is. I'll bring you to her." He said and they agreed to his proposal.

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