Chapter 11

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Time is worth saving,
Ye must think of spending it wise.
Know thy enemy worth sparing,
And goodness within will arise.

The results have already been posted and Xia still haven't recovered from what she did earlier. She was eavesdropping an important and probably private meeting and the worst part is, Miss Dyzeen saw her and even eyed her. Did she really saw me? Was that message for me? She asked herself.

She was walking, making her way to the Announcements' Section by the main hall, when Xyther came running towards her, smiling widely. "You've aced all the exams!" He gleefully beamed, shock was written all over Xia's face, making Xia ran towards the Announcements' Section. Xy ran towards her seeing that she wasn't moving and was just staring at the results.

"I'm a Connoisseur."She still couldn't believed that she advanced to the 4th level and so did Zalia and one of the Amateur named Jeom. She was busy embracing her success when he heard a laughter coming from Xy. Xia faced him, confusion written all over her face but that was erased when she realized that he was probably laughing at her so she rolled her eyes and stomped her way out of the school with Xy tailing her.

When she arrived Zalia's place she went straight to her room, locking the door so Xy won't get in."Xia, open the door, it was just a joke." He laughed which gave Xia the urge to punish him more. "And the joke was on me!" She shouted, rolling her eyes as if he could see her doing it. Xy continued knocking on her door but Xia ignored him. Serves him right. She thought, making her smirk.

She sat on her bed when she noticed that Midsy's feathers can already be counted. It seemed like she wasn't the only one in need of memory restoration. She stood up to open the door when she hadn't heard any noise and to her surprise Xy fell to the ground. It seemed like he was leaning on the door when Xia opened it. Xia laughed. "Now we're even." She smirked.

They were busy having chitchats when they heard a voice asking for help. A spiraling wisp of light and leaves appeared out of nowhere. "How did leaves enter the room?" She said under her breath but apparently Xy heard it and shrugged his shoulders. The spiraling wisp asked for help again and left the room so they went to follow it not knowing where it'll lead them.

They noticed that the path they were taking headed towards the Viephia forest. Continuing to walk was them, still following the spiraling wisp, and their feet brought them to the depths of the forest. It then stopped in front of a tree, in the center of the forest, as it spins around it until it vanished but before it vanished, it uttered. "Take."

They spent hours thinking on what they will take. The thinking made them hungry and unfortunately, there's nothing for them to eat there except for its vines. The vines are edible and it's called Veia. Since they have nothing but that, they took some for them to quench their hunger.

Flash before their eyes, as soon as they took Veia, is a Lady. Her yellow hair with gray highlights flies away as the wind blows. Her eyes that reflect the light brought by day, but what's beautiful about them is that they have different colors. The left one is light blue while the right one is pink. Her presence left their mouths agape, stunned by her beauty.

"I am Viephia, keeper of the forest and because of you, I am now free. Free from the chains that bind me with the past that brings so much pain. That pain made me much stronger and wiser than before. I give my thanks to the both of you." She spoke and left without waiting for them to utter a word. Standing in the middle of the forest; they were dumbfounded. It didn't took them long enough before they recovered from that incident and decided to go. "This is a day worth sleeping but not worth ending." Xia said as they were on their way home. Xy agreed.

It was a tiring day for all of them yet it is also a day worth remembering because it doesn't happen all the time.

The next morning, they woke up without any light outside. Darkness all around Dreaux. What happened? Xia thought, not knowing if she's now blind or light really is absent. Her being blind is somehow impossible because she knows she did nothing that could cause her, her sight. The absence of light is quite possible since Dreaux is already unstable because of losing its balance for quite a long time.

She then thought of calling Xy but she didn't receive any reply so she tried calling Zalia and also tried Cyprio, but still nothing. She walked carefully, surprised to find herself not lying in her bed, avoiding not to bump into things. An evil laugh came out of nowhere, sending shivers down to her spine, and the sound of footsteps followed. "Who are you? Show youself!" She said, gathering all the courage she could find within her. She didn't get any reply, all she received was a snicker, giving her goosebumps.

She finally saw the owner of the voice when it made a light. A small light just enough for Xia to see who she was. And there she saw a beautiful maiden with short black hair with a highlight of blue, and violet eyes. Those dark features of hers highlight the paleness of her skin. "Obviously, you don't know me so I might as well introduce myself." She grinned. "I'm Kyrine, and I hate you." What a nice introduction. Xia thought. "I did all of these. Even the ball of light in your room last time, remember that? It wasn't suppose to be a light orb but unfortunately, someone messed with my enchantment." Kyrine continued babbling when she noticed that Xia's not paying attention, she stopped. "One week is all you have to save your precious Dreaux."

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