Chapter 7

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Breaking binding chains,
As identity she slowly regains.
Is curiosity itself the key alone,
Or together with the help of the unknown?

She woke up with a bad headache, like her head is being hammered continuously. When she could finally deal with the pain brought by her head, things started sinking into her mind. She hastily stood up from the bed, not knowing who's it is, she was lying on to.

She remained seated on the bed for a few hours, wondering where she was and who brought her here, as she leaned on the headboard while a pillow was behind her to add comfort.

Then she thought about what happened earlier.

Before she completely lost her conscience, she heard a deep manly voice. "I'm always here, protecting you from afar." It was coming near her when she tried to reach out to whoever that was but when she was almost clearly seeing the figure, she became unconscious.

The knock on the door disturbed her from reminiscing which made her faked that she's asleep and tucked herself in the blanket. She then heard the door creaked open but no other signs of a person entering the room. Not hearing any footsteps, tempted was she to take a peak but couldn't risk the thought of getting caught.

Instead of hearing footsteps, she heard a deep and heavy sigh, which seemed to be coming from the owner of the voice she last heard before she fainted, making her want to open her eyes.

"I know you're confused or maybe afraid, but I assure you that you are safe with me so there's nothing to be scared of. " He calmly said, making her eyes open with mouth agape.

Standing before her is a handsome, tall, young man with soft expressive hazel eyes, slightly tousled auburn hair, and a well-shaped body.

He noticed that Xia is still throwing stares at him so he snapped his fingers making her return to her senses.

Xia couldn't find the right questions to ask, or the appropriate words to say. The feeling forming inside her is strange, it's like she has known him. "I think I know you from somewhere or sometime. Do I know you?" So she asked.

Hearing that from her made a small smile form on his face; it gave him hope. "Angelicce, I—" Xia cut him off telling that she's not Angelicce and her name is Xia which made the smile on his face disappear.

"Oh, sorry. I thought—nevermind." Disregarding what he was suppose to say. I thought she already remembers completely. And with that, he quickly made Xia fall back to sleep to make sure he doesn't meddle with restoring her memories.

He sat down beside Xia, who's now falling asleep. "In time, you'll know who I am, maybe after you know who you are." He whispered to the air and teleported Xia to Zalia's house and bid her goodbye.

After that, he went straight to the Viephia forest where he rescued Xia from possible danger to find out who that was. He already has a suspicion and it's about time to find out if it's true or not.

As he was walking to the depths of the forest from where he saw Xia earlier, he felt a gust of wind. In the depths of the forest, he saw someone so he quickly climbed up the tree to hide and hoped to see a better view of who that was. Shocked was he to see who that was.

He saw the bird with the single white feather heading its way towards Zalia's house, right after he got out of the woods, and from that, he knew it's the start.

On the other hand, Xia was awakened by Zalia.

"You spent the rest of your day here?" She presumingly asked.

No. If only she could tell her what happened within the remaining hours of the day but she couldn't. "Yes, our classes were dismissed early." She lied.

"Oh, I see. Let's eat dinner, go downstairs." Zalia said as she left the room and closed its door. Dinner went smoothly. Tonight, she's in charge of washing the dishes. After she washed them, she took off to her room and slumped onto her bed.

She was about to fall deeply asleep when she heard a bird chirping. A bird loudly chirping, continuously as it pecks on a hard surface causing anoter disturbing noise. She looked around to find the source of the sound and saw that it was coming from the window. "For crying out loud, don't I deserve a peaceful day or at least a peaceful rest?" She grunted and stood up to see the bird responsible for that noise.

She was trying to shoo the bird by tapping on the window but it just ignored her so she opened the window to see the bird with the single white feather. It then flew inside her room when she was about to close the window.

It seems harmless. She thought and went to the bed and lied down watching the bird as it flies around her room. Dozing was she when something soft fell on her nose, the midnight blue feather of the bird, making her sneeze.

She sat on her bed and took the feather. As soon as she touched it, visual images of her past memories were shown inside her mind together with some fragments of her identity.

She saw in her short recap, the guy who claimed to have saved her. They were talking together with Zalia, and other people she haven't seen yet. "Who is he?" She asked herself.

The bird flew in front of her losing another one of its feathers and caused another recall of Xia's past.

" Come on, Xy. Is that the best you can do?" Xia said teasingly, challenging Xyther to chase her. They were playing tag and unfortunately, he was it so he had to chase her. "Xyther Gust, I know you're just taking it easy on me but please, don't. It's not fun if you do that, you know?" She disappointedly said and pouted, with that, Xy ran after her.

He's Xyther. She recalls calling him Xy. One of the person who's very close to her heart.

"I've missed you." Xyther said while hugging Xia tightly. Xia laughed because of that. Who wouldn't laugh at that statement if they've only parted for like a couple of hours, she thought.

From there, she knew who that guy was. She fell into deep slumber after remembering.

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