Chapter 9

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Thy heart will ache,
Until the balance hasn't yet returned.
Dreaux will be at stake,
Till one's identity is regained.

"What's with Dreaux,and blinding lights and figures." She muttered under her breath as she quickly stood up after seeing a figure in the blinding beam of light inside Zario falls.

It took long enough before the figure showed itself to Xia.

Xia's eyes widened at the sight of a guy slowly walking on water without even having himself sink. Not only that he was walking above water that made Xia's eyes widened, but also his features. He has golden copper hair, a blend of dark golden blonde and light, bright red, that matches his peach complexion and his mesmerizing blue eyes.

And as he reached Xia's placed, he introduced his self. "Young maiden, I humbly express to you my gratitude for setting me free. I am Cyprio Helt, one of the keepers of Zario falls. And I've been caged for so long. Long enough, at least and it's about time for me to return. Thank you, again."

"You're welcome, I guess? Well, I didn't actually set you free, or at least not intentionally but you get my point." She said stuttering.

Cyprio is planning to go back to his house when he noticed that the girl's face is kind of familiar to him. But then he remembered something which made him shrugged it off. I think you are— He cut that thought off.

They bid each other goodbyes and parted ways, Cyprio was going back to his home, while Xia stayed at Zario falls. She want back to sit at the side of the falls as Midsy was on her lap. It then flew up and dropped another feather.

Absentmindedly, Xia touched the feather and a memory started rushing in her mind.

"You've successfully proved to us that you are worthy of proceeding to the Executive level. Congratulations!" Xia smiled at what Miss Dyzeen told her. She thanked her for that, which made Miss Dyzeen chuckle. "My child, it's you who have proved your worth, not me. I—we expect great things from you." She said and left.

"Had I really proven myself worthy enough to be an Executive?" She asked herself. Who am I? She thought, doubting if she really knows her self, making her more curious to find out who she really is.

She was on her way home when she felt that someone was following her again. She looked around to see who is it but nothing was there. Then she heard footsteps after hers which made her look around and saw nothing. Whatever that was, I hope it stops. She grunted nervously.

She then looked in front of her and was about to continue on her way home when she saw a shadow standing in front of her. She was shivering in fear. "Who are you?" She stuttered.

The shadow took a step forward and with that, Xia ran as fast as she can. Since Viephie woods is the nearest hiding place, she entered it. She went to the depths of the forest. I hope I'm not lost. She thought.

She looked around when she think that she escaped whatever that is, and when she saw no sign of it. She hid behind one of the big trees in the forest, looking out for any signs of the shadow.

There she saw someone was coming so she thought about climbing the tree she's hiding in. She was about to climb the trees when someone covered her mouth, making her gasp and breathes heavily.

Xia was doing the best she can to escape the clutches of whoever that was. She tried shouting for help, even though it's pointless because someone's covering her mouth, hoping that someone will come and rescue her.

"Keep quiet or he'll hear us." Whispered the voice from behind her; shushing her. Xia knows who that owner of the voice was, Xyther she thought, so she kept quiet like she was told. When he was sure that Xia is quiet, he faced her.

And Xia was right, it was Xy. They stayed there for a few hours until the coast was absolutely clear.

They decided to go to Xyther's place since Xia doesn't feel like going home yet, scared of what might happen in her room.

When they safely arrived at Xyther's place, Xia bursted like a bubble. "Why'd you have to sneak up on me like that?! Seriously, Xy? Can't you think of another way of saving me from whoever that was?" She rolled her eyes as she beamed at him which made Xy laugh.

"Nothing's funny, Xy. Don't you dare laugh at me like nothing happened, Xyther Gust. I'm warning you." Xy was shocked of Xia calling him by his name.

She continued babbling about Xy's way of saving her, really pissed off at him sneaking up on her like that. Who wouldn't be pissed off if you thought that it was the end of your life; I was scared to death. She thought. Then stopped ranting when she noticed that Xy was somewhat shocked or preoccupied.

She went to Xy and waved her hand in front of his face to get his attention but she didn't. So she did what she had to do. She smacked Xy in the head, like what she does way back when they were little, making him return to his senses, confusion plastered on his face.

"You remember my name?" He said astounded. Xia giggled and nodded. And he pulled her into a hug as Xia continuous to laugh loudly. The hug ended after a couple of minutes when Xy decided to break it, remembering what Xia did to her. "What's the smack on the head for?" He asked, confused.

"Well, I tried waving my hands in front of your face, the harmless way, but it didn't worked." Xy nodded at Xia's statement. "So, I smacked you on the head, the harmful way, knowing that it'll work and it did." Xy seemed satisfied with her explanation.

She told him about how she managed to remember a couple of things about him. She was thrilled to see Xy listening attentively. Not until her stomach grumbled, her face turning red, making Xy stand up. "We'll have an early dinner here then I'll bring you to where you're staying."

They were eating peacefully when a strong tremor occurred causing them to look at each other. "I didn't know that your hunger can cause the ground to shake." Xy said, lifting up the mood, accepting the deadly glares Xia is giving him.

After eating, Xy walked her to Zalia's house.

Xy didn't want to leave immediately when they arrive. He even planned to stay for awhile until Xia is asleep. They knocked on the door as soon as they reached Zalia's house.

Shocked were they to see who opened the door.

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