Chapter 2

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Curiosity will take you somewhere,
But fear won't take you anywhere.
Listen to the voice of the air,
And never be afraid to seek and dare.

After her encounter with the suspicious messenger, she went to her room to contemplate on what happened earlier.

She can't help herself from wondering who could have sent that message. "It must've come from another magical world, for it isn't everyday that you see a shapeshifting messenger. " She thought.

After contemplating, she then went to Drite's house to see if she could help her find answers to the questions in her mind.

When she got out of the castle, she was surprised to see the stars already up in the sky. It seemed like she lost track of the time.

Drite lives in a house, just right for their family of 4, not far from their castle. Drite's father works at the castle, he's in charge of the security of the castle while her mother stays at home, keeping the house clean and secured, and takes care of them.

"Who is it?" Drite asked after hearing the knock on their door.

"It's me, your conscience." Xia said foolishly.

"Oh, no. What have I done wrong this time?" Walking towards the door, to see her bestfriend, she then opened it.

They laughed at their conversation awhile ago. "So, what brings you here at this time of the night?" She asked as she let Xia in their house.

"Well, something unusually weird happened earlier, and when I say unusually weird, it really is." And sat down on the couch.

"Then tell me already. Do I really have to ask you questions before you tell me the whole story?" And rolled her eyes.

"Of course, you do. If you don't, then you'll take the fun out of it. " And stood up to get a glass of water. "Since you are a nice friend, I'll get myself a glass of water." She said sarcastically.

"For Pete's sake. Can't you just tell me the whole story? And I know that I'm a nice friend, no need to say it." And laughed.

"Why can't you just ask questions first? Can't you act as if you're eager to know it?" And went back to the living room and sat on the couch.

"I am eager, I'm just lazy." Then Deon, her elder twin brother, went downstairs and straight to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hey Xia. You really like me that much, huh? You don't need to go to our house just to see me." Deon said after making a sandwich.

"You're really are one conceited boy. Very funny Deon, very funny." She mocked.

"As far as I know, you like her, not the other way around. " Deon ran up the stairs, pissed at her sister, before his face become as red as an apple.

After their nonsensical conversation, she then told Drite her encounter with the shapeshifting messenger. And she couldn't believe it either.

Then she took out the odd-looking stone, which the messenger left, to show it to Drite but unfortunately, only Xia can see the stone.

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