Chapter 3

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Thy heart will be reminded,
Of what it used to be.
And soon will be reunited,
To where it's meant to be.

It finally hit her. Right when she was so close to figuring something out, a figure suddenly came out of nowhere. To her, the figure felt familiar, but because of its light, she's not able to see it. The light from the unknown yet familiar figure is blinding, it seems like it doesn't want to be seen.

Just when she thought she'll finally see the figure, its light is gradually dimming, it then shined so bright like it bursted out all of what it has inside. She placed both of her hands in front of her face and tried to peek in between them to see if she'll be able to see it but failed.

She remained in that position a little bit longer. Nothing was happening, it's still bright. She then took a step backwards and was supposed to leave the place when a voice was let out. A voice so sweet and soft, that made her stop from leaving.

"What brings you here?" It asked, but she did not utter any word.

"How could an angelic voice have so much authority?" She asked herself.

"I'm only allowed to speak of this once." It paused for awhile and continued. " Thy unclear intention of thine heart."

Slowly, brightness started to disappear along with the figure. She didn't quite understand the statement. She stayed there, leaning against the tree, analyzing those words.

She then decided to go back to the castle for it was already getting dark outside. Instead of eating with her parents, she ate alone and went straight to her room.

She quickly took out the commupen out of her drawer and quickly scribbled a message in the air to her best friend.

A communication pen, or what she loves to call the commupen, is a device she made for her and her best friend. A communication device exclusively for the both of them. It took her almost half a year making it.

The first two months, the first model was made. But after weeks of using it, it malfunctioned. It turns out that the first model has a short life span.

The working model is built in more or less 4 months. And so far, it hasn't got any problems yet.

Xia can be quite an inventor herself.

On the other hand, Drite was busy cleaning up when she received the message that says, " Strange occurrence ".

She quickly tidied up and went straight to her room to scribble a reply. Not knowing what's going on, nor what to say, she wrote a question mark. "What could possibly happen?" She asked herself in confusion.

After minutes of wondering and waiting for a reply, thinking that it's just a false alarm due to not getting any reply,  she decided to sleep. It didn't took long enough before she fell asleep deeply while Xia, on the other hand, is having trouble sleeping.

Wide awake, still thinking of what the strange figure told her. "Thy unclear intention of thine heart?" She asked herself, curious of what could it possibly mean. Asking the same question repeatedly, it took her long enough before she fell into deep slumber.

She's dreaming. In her dream, she's in some sort of place that is pretty magical. "How could one be unknown yet familiar?", she asked herself in her dreams.

To her, the place seems familiar, like she've known this her whole life. But unfortunately, she couldn't picture it out for the image in her dreams is not much than a blur.

She was roaming around, hoping she could see something not blurry. Until the place suddenly became dark, and she started running. Running like someone's chasing after her.

She then woke up, panting and sweating. She had the weirdest dream she had ever had.

Questions started invading her mind. Questions whose answers are opaque. Indeed, they are difficult to understand.

It was about time when she decided to go to their Royal Adviser. "Greetings, princess. What brings you to my quarters this time of the day?" He asked.

" I was wondering if you know something about a strange figure sighting in the Magaina woods."

"I'm afraid not, princess. " Their royal adviser is the most knowledgeable people in their place, and knowing that he doesn't know anything about it makes her lose hope.

" If that's the case... Well anyways, I had a strange dream this morning and do you happen to know anything about it? I was in an unfamiliar place yet it felt like I've known it ever since."

"Dreams are the desires of one's heart." He said while wearing a shocked face.

She left with another unanswered question. Contemplating, she then realized what the figure have said.

She went back to the Magaina woods and brought along with her the stone. Slowly, she's unravelling the mystery. When she reached the deepest part of the woods, she saw the same tree with the carving on its center.

"I've finally understood what you've said." Trying to make the figure come out again but it didn't.

Going near the tree with the strange carving, she took the stone which was given to her by the shapeshifting messenger and slowly placed it where it should be.

Suddenly, the tree turned into a lady. A lady with long golden brown hair with white highlights. Her hair is about 5 meters long, and it's so shiny which makes it look perfectly taken care off.

Her face is so angelic. She has chinky eyes and an unpointed nose. Her lilac dress that matches perfectly with her lilac eyes. You could mistaken her as a goddess, the girl thought.

"Thy clear intention of your mind has set me free. But thy cloudy mind of yours won't take you to where you should have been." She said softly.

Xia was confused with what the lady had said.

"Go on and bid them goodbye for the time won't stand by. " And unsurely, Xia followed what the lady had told her to do.

She bid her parents goodbye by writing a letter to them. She wrote that she's thankful for having parents like them and that there's nothing wrong in their parenting. She also told them that she's going on an adventure, not knowing when she'll come back or if she'll ever comeback. Her letter also contained her apology for leaving them and hurting them.

Next, she wrote a letter to her best friend saying that she'll miss her a lot. Indeed, she'll miss her friend, her friend that has been by her side through thick and thin. Xia also promised to not forget Drite and hopes that she'll do the same too.

She placed the letter for her parents in front of the doorstep of their room while she placed the letter for her best friend by the windowsill of Drite's house.

Quickly, she went back to Magaina woods. When she returned, the lady was nowhere to be found, or so she thought. Suddenly, she just came out of nowhere.

"Throw this stone upwards and don't ever think of going back. " The lady said as she handed an odd looking white stone to Xia.

Xia followed what she was told to do, and saw the lady smile which made her confused.

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