Chapter 8

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In order for one to find its identity,
Thee must help set others free.
Thou must possess altruism,
For them to find what lies within.

Days passed by. It's already been a week since the day when she had finally know who that guy was. A week had already gone by and there's still no sign of Xy. She has so many questions to ask him and they have a lot of catching up to do.

School isn't as hard as it seems or at least for me, it isn't. She thought.

Miss Dyzeen's speech somehow scared her, especially when she found out that there were repeaters.

She's already been going to school for about a week, and she still hadn't got any close friends. Whenever Zalia asks her if she already have any, she would always say, I don't think I belong, the fault is on me, not theirs. It's just that-—I have none. "I think so."

She did her daily rituals, but it didn't took long enough due to Dreaux being convenient and such, because she still has to got to school today. She chose to wear a simple jeans, shirt and flats.

On her way to school, it was too early, she first went to the falls. It's not as deep as it seems. She told herself.

Slowly walking closer to it, she removed her backpack and put it where it's waterproof. She sat beside it without dipping her feet into the water. She was about to dip her hands when she was hit on the hand by a stone.  Who would throw a stone at me. She asked herself and looked around to see no one but herself.

The rock that was thrown to her is smooth and is perfectly oval in shape with a ripple of blue and red. She was about to throw it into the water and count how many times it leaped when she heard her name.

"Xia!" Which made her look around and saw Zalia gesturing her to go to school with her and so she did. She then placed the stone in the pocket of her backpack and walked towards Zalia. Maybe later. She thought.

She then walked to Auxemy, together with Zalia, to see a crowd of students properly lined up at the quadrangle.

"I didn't know there will be a ceremony today." Zalia whispered but apparently, Xia heard. "Neither did I." She said and they quickly fell in line. 

Students' chatters and whispers are filling the whole quadrangle. And it seems like they're just talking about their wild guesses on why they were asked to line up here.

Teachers one by one came out from the main building. They waited for one of them to talk but they didn't utter any word. The chitchats were stopped when the students saw Head Mistress Dyzeen heading towards their direction.

Seriousness was painted on her face. The silence was broken when she started to talk. "Goo day, our dear students. I believe you're all wondering why you are lined up here. As we all know, exams are given before the end of the month." Students started whispering which made her stopped from talking. She eyed them one by one, knowing they'll stop and they did so she continued. "The faculty and I made a little adjustments. Your exams will be given by the end of this week and it's because we have to make it up for losing so much of school's time. You have more or less 4 days to study. Teachers will be giving your pointers today. This exam will determine if you'll advance to the next level or remain. If you won't able to pass the exam which will cause you to remain, try again next school year. Don't lose hope. You may now proceed to your next class." She said and left them all astounded.

After a couple of minutes, students went to their classrooms to meet with their teacher.

Xia's class went smoothly. The History of Dreaux was taught to them. The falls that gradually turn into purple now has a name; because of their History, she knew what its name. Zario, the falls with magical waters.

One of her classmates, Relle, befriended her and now she's finally got a friend. It was still a bit awkward for Xia to socialize with Relle but she knew, she'll get used to it.

Xia and Relle were on their way home for classes are already dismissed. When they reached the gates of Auxemy, they parted ways.

Xia went to Zario Falls and Relle went home.

On her way to Zario falls, she felt like someone was following her. Despite of having the strange feeling that someone's following her, she still continued walking instead of going home.

She had a small picnic by the side of Zario Falls. The food that she was eating was suppose to be her snacks and lunch at school, but Relle insisted to share hers. She has two sandwiches, strawberry while the other one is chocolate.

As she was eating she thought about dipping her feet into the water, so she folded the end of her pants to avoid getting it wet. The water wasn't cold nor hot.

She finished her chocolate sandwich when Midsy, the bird with a single white feather, came and seemed like it was asking for food. So she gave a piece of the strawberry sandwich to Midsy.

Xia seemed to have given the bird a name and its name was taken from its color, midnight blue, which is why Midsy is its name.

She was in the middle of feeding Midsy her strawberry sandwich while she was eating her salad when she remembered something.

She remembered that she was suppose to throw the stone that had hit her hand to the water and count how many times it leaped.

She took the stone out of her backpack's pocket. She then aimed, to leap as many as it can, and threw it. Unfortunately, the force she exerted was strong, making it reach the falls and not leap anymore. Silly me. She thought and giggled after realizing her epic failure.

Then a blinding beam of light appeared, where the stone went, inside the falls. Shocked was Xia, dropping her spoon, to see what's inside it.

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