Chapter 15

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Chains were now broken,
Ye have finally been set free.
Time to end this hurtful moment,
As she showcase her capability.

Standing before their eyes were a stranger, or at least to her it was a stranger. A stranger with black hair and eyes that are blue and white combined. This fellow, Xy and Jeom happens to know but she didn't. "Anateus." The guys called and had high-five with each other.

Anateus turned to Xia and introduced himself. "I believe you are Xia. I am Anateus, by the way and I'm sorry for what I did before I was just really desperate to return to my actual self." He saw confusion written in Xia's face so he explained further. "I was the shadow you had been seeing. It wasn't my intention to startle you, I just really want to be back. Again, I apologize for what I did." Xia's eyes widened but quickly recovered and forgave him for what he did.

They went inside and introduced Maliane to them. "Guys, this is Maliane. She's uhm—" Maliane cut her off since she noticed that Xia's having a hard time introducing her. "I'm Maliane and I used to be the worthy stone. But since I've already done my purpose as a worthy stone, I was given another life with another purpose that I'm afraid I cannot tell yet." Zalia, Cyprio and Anateus introduced theirselves to her.

Today was a tiring day for them especially for Xia, Xy, Jeom and Maliane so they decided to rest and called it a day. Maliane slept in the Visitor's room while Jeom insisted that he could sleep in the couch but Xia offered that he could sleep in her room with Xy and Jeom was left with no choice but to agree.

Xia was about to fall asleep when she noticed that Midsy was there and was nearly bald. It only have two feathers left. It was left with one midnight blue feather and its only white feather. Midsy dropped her midnight blue feather and Xia immediately took it without waiting for it to touch her first. And with that, she recalled another one of her forgotten memories.

"I love you." Said a guy from behind her, making her tears fell. It hurts her that she'll hurt the guy who had also been close to her heart. "I love him." Xia said without facing him. "I'm sorry if I will or I am hurting you but pain is inevitable. I love him so much and I'm not going to push him away this time. It hurts me to know that I'm the reason behind your pain, but I'm sorry, I'm just not the girl for you." And she left him without looking at him.

Xia was frustrated because she didn't get to see who that guy she was talking to. She blamed herself for not mentioning the name of that guy when she talked to him. But she knows that there's no time for her past love life right now especially when lives are at stake. She then decided to sleep.

She woke up with a smile on her face. Xia thought of starting her day with a smile since it'll help lighten her mood today. They still have three days left to save Dreaux and the Choisiara still haven't returned.

They went to Auxemy to attend to their class since they were absent for about two days because of their mission to bring Dreaux' light back. Their classes were shortened since the teachers will be having a meeting again which gave Xia the urge to eavesdrop again.

When the bell rang as a sign of them being dismissed, their professor left and she followed to where her professor was heading. She was carefully following their professor when she stopped and pretended doing something because the professor looked to see if their was someone following him. When she quickly halted because of that, someone bumped her from behind and when she turned to see who or what that was, she saw Xyther amd Jeom, making her roll her eyes.

When the three of them reached the secret meeting place of the teachers, they took a peak on the space of the door left ajar. They should really learn how to close doors properly. Xia said under her breath.

"The end is near and the Choisiara are still nowhere to be found." Professor Frateus said. They became quiet because of his statement. They are thinking of ways that could possibly make the Choisiara return. "The Choisiara will never return unless its heart remembers." Jeom, Xy ad Xia looked at each other because of what the professor had said.

Their eavesdropping was interrupted by the voice from behind. "Ehem." It firmly said and they all turned to its direction to see Miss Dyzeen standing beside them. "What brings you here? Class are already dismissed haven't you heard?" Full of authority, she spoke, intimidating the three students who were snooping around.

"We just went to see our professor, we didn't know classes were dismissed early. We'll just go now." Xia was nervous as those words escaped her mouth and as what she has said, they left the school and went to Zalia's place.

"We got caught! One of you should've been the look out instead of all of us peaking at the door." Xia exclaimed as she walked to the doorstep. She knocked at the door loudly, pouring her frustration to it. The guys were supposed to explain when the door opened. Xia noticed that they were shocked so she turned to the door and saw Kyrine with her mischievous smile. "What took you so long?" Kyrine said and let out a smirk on her face and all went black.

Xia woke up with a headache. She also has a backache because of the hard thing that she's lying onto. She quickly stood up when she noticed that she was in a metal black cage. She looked around to see her friends also locked up in a metal cage. Her cage was at the very top of the big room. She saw Xy, Jeom, Zalia, Cyprio together with the other keepers of Dreaux.

"It's nice to see sleeping beauty already awake. You've been asleep for two days, you know." Kyrine's voice echoed all over the dungeon. "Poor you, how can you save Dreaux when you can't even free yourself? Don't go anywher, I'll be back after spreading darkness all over Dreaux" She said and let out an evil laugh as she left the dungeon.

"How are we going to get out of here?!" Xia loudly asked. Thinking of ways to break her way out of the cage she's trapped in. "It's no use, Xia. We've been trying to escape since we woke up but we just couldn't do so." Cyprio said as you can sense that there isn't any hope in his voice. Xia was disturbed from contemplating when a white feather fell from above her and there she saw Midsy out of feathers.

All eyes were on her when they heard her statement full of conviction.

"I am Angelicce Elixia."

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